A segregação socioespacial em Manaus-AM: o urbano para poucos

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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas


The socio-spatial segregation is known to all, but not its true meaning. Common sense understands it only as a separation between classes, but this process goes much further than that. There is a relationship between socio-spatial segregation and the production of urban space in the city of Manaus/AM and it is from this that the research unfolds. Its main objective was to critically analyze how the socio-spatial segregation of the urban space in Manaus is expressed. Therefore, the works of Ana Fani Alessandri Carlos, Fabiana Ribeiro, Arlete Rodrigues, José Aldemir de Oliveira, Eduardo Braga, among others, were used to understand the production of urban space in Manaus and the socio-spatial segregation, in order to investigate the expressions of the socio-spatial segregation of Manaus in the most important moments of the urban history of the city. From the analysis of rubber periods, financial stagnation and the Manaus Free Trade Zone, it was understood that socio-spatial segregation is a process linked to the horizontal expansion of the city, which is always present in all the main moments of the production of urban space. The concentrated presence of State actions and strategies for only a small portion of manauara society resulted in the struggle for housing, which triggered, in the rubber period, the occupation of risky peripheral areas or banks of streams. In the period of economic stagnation, socio-spatial segregation reached its peak in the Floating City, which is the maximum representation of the urban housing problem in the capital of Amazonas. After the implementation of the Manaus Free Trade Zone, socio-spatial segregation expands along with demographic growth, since the population that arrives, aiming to work in the Industrial District, is faced with a city that was not prepared to receive it. The importance of this research is to contribute even more to the study of urban dynamics in the city of Manaus, being an initial work that will serve as a basis for future research. Keywords: Socio-Spatial Segregation; Urban Space Development; Urbanization.



BARROS, Hellyzabeth da Silva. A segregação socioespacial em Manaus-AM: o urbano para poucos. 2022. 72 f. TCC (Graduação em Geografia) - Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, Manaus.



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