Circuitos estéticos de pessoas trans no Ambulatório de Diversidade Sexual e Gênero de Manaus/AM

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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas


This dissertation describes the aesthetic and social transformation circuits of trans people who access the outpatient clinic specialized in the transsexualization process in Manaus, Amazonas. Data collection for this research was carried out through semi-structured interviews and participant observation of eleven volunteers, including trans men and women, transvestites and non-binary people, with the collected material subsequently submitted to content analysis. Generationality was an evident trait in the analysis of the relationships between participants and official health institutions. Like the local itineraries already reported in researches with other approaches, it was noticed the emergence of new circuits, virtually guided by social networks and support groups in other cities, in addition to the already known prostitution/pumping route, such as a clinic for transgender surgery in Portugal. The distinction between beauty, aesthetics and fashion was evident in the speeches presented and lent itself to a better understanding of the demands brought by the participants. Moreover, the inseparable role of sociocultural contexts in the formulation of the desired aesthetics for declared gender identities remains evident, revealing the intersectionality that underlies their construction. Although with particularities related to the regional historical context of the formation of the trans Community in Manaus, there is similarity between the discussions and conflicts with the official institutions regarding the full implementation of comprehensive health care and respect for the traditional knowledge of these people





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