Educação científica a partir de atividades de conservação de Quelônios Amazônicos em comunidades ribeirinhas do baixo Amazonas

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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas


Conservation projects on Amazonian turtles have been implemented in the Amazon since the 1970s. This conservation effort has shown positive results with regard to the protection of turtle nesting beaches and success in hatching and returning the hatchlings to their natural environment; however, we do not know the project's impact on science education of participating students. We know the influence of the project "Pe-dePincha" in science education for students of early grades of public schools Parananema communities, and Aninga Macurany in the city of Parintins - AM. From this we ask the following questions: 1) What is the role of teachers in the project and its impact on science education of students in early grades? 2) How does the process of science education relate to the formation of the concepts of management, preservation and reproduction in students participating in the project? 3) How are the elements weaved into the relationship between community - project - school - teaching science? The research was a qualitative and descriptive study; using elements of ethnography aimed to allow the descriptions of the relationship between design and education. The research subjects involved 58 people (48 students, 4 teachers, and 3 design engineers from3 communities). Data were obtained through observation, semi-structured interviews, questionnaires and document analysis. During data analysis, it became evident that there was an influence on learning of the students involved in project activities. The results indicate contribution in strengthening science education, allowing access to a range of knowledge that are experienced in practice, from the constructions of the relationships of education and participation of the subjects in the process, and applications in everyday concepts of preservation, and conservation of reproduction. The results suggest there is active participation of teachers in the communities investigated, as well as to the inferences that there is participation among the teaching of students in early grades. We can consider objectively, that the activities with the participation of school projects in the community management of Amazonian turtles are important in the science education of students and teachers of the schools studied; it allowed an understanding not only of assessments, but also learning scientific concepts through this practice. By treating the fabric of the elements present in the relationship, we can say that the project is working through an aggregated union of common goals in the communities. We realize that the actions of the combined community effort (project and school) produce a better science education; this allows the school to strengthen its role as an institution promoting the improvement of educational and social activities.





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