Família do Norte: estudo de caso acerca de uma organização criminosa tipicamente Amazônica

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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas


In recent years, with the advance of globalization and the development of technological equipment, communication becomes increasingly easier and how all evolution has benefits and losses, provided the interaction and expansion of organized crime in the country. The networks of contacts with criminal organizations in various Brazilian states, made the main leaders of drug trafficking in the state of Amazonas reflect on the need to master the narcotic substance of trade in the Amazon territory. The agencies involved in the prosecution began to crack down more strongly the role of the criminal organization, however the state actions were not able to disrupt and prevent the harmful effects of drug trafficking in the state of Amazonas. Família do Norte: Case Study about a typically Amazonian criminal organization consists of a case study proposed to analyze the factors that led to the emergence and rise of the criminal organization Família do Norte in the state of Amazonas, which had its training facilitated by outdated model of social rehabilitation reeducation within the prison system of the capital, which in a few years has the monopoly of the drug trade, with import and export large amounts of narcotic substance and firearms and the implementation of the main leaders of factions rivals, as shown by the statistical reports of the Public Security System, ruling out any activities other criminal factions in the state and creating a legion of young followers. Contrary to this affront by the FDN, once again the state proved inefficient to contain the organization invested in the vulnerable population, causing a veritable army of young members and supporters of the criminal organization Família do Norte.





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