A literatura indígena como ferramenta para ressignificação da história dos povos originários
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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas
This article aims to show how literature can help in the visibility of indigenous peoples and how it is a tool capable of changing the mistaken and prejudiced stereotypes that are still present in society about indigenous peoples. The works analyzed are: Olho D’água: the path of dreams (2012) and Çaiçu Indé: the first great love of the world (2011), by writer Roni Wasiry Guará, and Histórias de Índio (2016), by writer Daniel Munduruku. Giving relevance to the complaints about the problems faced, the culture and myth of indigenous peoples in these narratives. Therefore, the research is entirely bibliographic in nature, which consists of the analysis of works and research already carried out. Using works by theorists such as Thiél (2013), Pereira (2022), Baniwa (2006) among other scholars on indigenous themes to support the research, aiming at the construction of the indigenous image since the colonial period with the first contacts of colonizer with the natives, until the present day showing how there is still a struggle for the appreciation and preservation of the culture of native peoples through literature.
RIBEIRO, Luiz Fernando da Silva. A literatura indígena como ferramenta para ressignificação da história dos povos originários. 2024. 24f. TCC (Graduação em Licenciatura Plena em Letras) - Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, Parintins. 2024.