Mestrado em Ciências Humanas - PPGICH
URI permanente para esta coleção
19 resultados
Resultados da Pesquisa
Item “Quase tudo neste livro podia ter acontecido como vai descrito”: literatura, história e representações do feminino em Mad Maria, de Márcio Souza(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2022-07-08) Santos, Marcilene Queiroz Cabral; Wankler, Cátia Monteiro; Wankler, Cátia Monteiro; Fraga, Rosidelma Pereira; Costa, Veronica PrudenteAlthough it is a fictional narrative, the novel Mad Maria (1980), by Márcio Souza, has a keen historical-social character when it proposes to deal with the history of the construction of the Madeira-Mamoré railway, at the beginning of the 20th century, in Rondônia, in the middle of the Amazon rainforest, a construction that aimed to facilitate access between Brazil and Bolivia and the export of rubber from Bolivia. The present work intends to present the novel Mad Maria, from the approximation between Literature and History, having as main focus the female characters seen from the confrontation of their profiles with the patriarchal model of woman in a decolonial perspective. As a theoretical basis, we selected the following authors: Foucault (1999); Lukács (2011); Weinstein (1993); Pesavento (2000); Gondim (2007); Loureiro (2015); Benchimol (2009); Stuart Hall (2014); Bourdieu (2012); Woolf (2014); Beauvoir (2019), Souza (2019); Butler (2020); Hooks (2020). The feminine ideal disseminated by the literature presented an ideal of a woman submissive and passive in relation to men, considered superior and often portrayed as a heroic figure. In the case of the Northern Region, literary narratives can be a good source for a better understanding of this ideal of women, because they present the characteristics of female characters and their relationship with the patriarchal model prevailing through the intertwining of fiction with the History of the Amazon intensified by the presence of striking female characters and the way they are represented in the historical and fictional universe of the novel.Item A educação em István Mészáros: reflexões por uma prática educacional transformadora(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2022-03-28) Brandão, Daniel Silva; Pinto, Ernesto Renan Melo de Freitas; Pinto, Ernesto Renan Melo de Freitas; Jesus, Edilza Laray de; Scherer, Elenise FariaThe present work aims to analyze the conception of education of István Mészáros from his theorizations, conceptions and educational understandings in Education beyond capital (2005), in order to reflect on the construction of a transformative educational practice, such as a sustainable alternative. It starts from the need to perceive an urgent change in the hegemonic social structure based on education. Considers in this broad debate the state, function and theoretical-educational search for postulating an authentic conception, far from the coercive limits of capital, as well as fulfilling the historical objectives attributed to education, whether formal, informal or non-formal. In this conflict, he understands that to institute a radical change, it is necessary to reflect on the critique of the socio-metabolic organism of capital, in addition to building a critique that seeks to break with the incorrigible logic of capital, bearing in mind the real objectives of education: human emancipation.Item Vozes amazônidas: a experiência de democratização da comunicação da rede de notícias da Amazônia(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2022-03-28) Reinheimer, Joseani; Figueiredo, Guilherme Gitahy; Figueiredo, Guilherme Gitahy; Ferreira, Lúcia Marina Puga; Silva, Antonia Costa daDemocratization of Communication is a topic under constant discussion, since in Brazil large communication companies own more than one television station and more than one radio station. The Amazon News Network was created in 2008 with the objective of giving space for the social struggles to echo their voices, and currently has 20 associated stations located in seven states within the Legal Amazon. It produces two radio programs, a newspaper and a radio magazine. Among RNA's objectives are to democratize communication, respecting the environment and valuing the people and the local culture. This paper aims to analyze how this process of democratization of communication happens and how it reflects in the programs produced by RNA.Item Crianças e infâncias: um estudo sobre a produção acadêmica dos programas de pós-graduação da UEA nas áreas de ciências humanas e ensino(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2022-05-31) Cruz, Bruna Beatriz de Oliveira; Mubarac Sobrinho, Roberto Sanches; Mubarac Sobrinho, Roberto Sanches; Portela, Otávio Rios; Silva, Vanderlete Pereira daThe present study aimed to know the academic production between the years (2018-2020) investigating researches with Amazonian children in the proposal to reflect how they contribute to constitute new conceptual perspectives on the terms "children" and/or "childhoods", fostering the understanding of the "Amazonian Childhoods" as a social construction. In the first chapter, an approach is made to the studies on the Sociology of Childhood, reflecting on the different social configurations that have been established for the subjects of this group. In chapter two, the proposed dialogue identifies the visibility of the Amazonian child by means of the researches found on this bias. The third and last chapter illustrates the discussions on the selected works conjecturing that these researches favor attributing new meanings to the images of the "Amazonian Childhoods". The methodological path was developed by mixed methods: qualitative and quantitative on the Dissertations of the Post-Graduation Programs in the areas of Humanities and Teaching of the Amazonas State University, PPGICH and PPGEEC. The interdisciplinary aspect used to reflect on the chosen productions provided the understanding that the perceptions of the Amazonian child dialog about symbolic trajectories of social invisibilities, in both studies the "Amazonian Childhood" is permeated by a forgetfulness of children's voices, however these researches reiterate the need for children who live in the Amazon to be recognized as subjects of rights and social agents protagonist of knowledgeItem Entre laços e memórias: processos de afirmação e reconhecimento étnico enquanto remanescente de quilombo na comunidade do São Francisco no rio Bauana/AM(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2022-07-15) Oliveira, André Souza de; Silveira, Cristiane da; Silveira, Cristiane da; Simonetti, Susy Rodrigues; Farias Júnior, Emmanuel de AlmeidaThe present research investigated the processes of ethnic affirmation and recognition and the struggle of the São Francisco community on the Bauana Tefé/Am river, as a quilombo remnant. Currently, this community is going through a complex process; on the one hand, there is a struggle for the recognition of the community as a quilombola, on the other hand, some community members are opposed to this process. The purpose of the work was to unveil this process. In order to answer them, we used a qualitative approach, the SnowBall Sampling (Snowball) recruitment method, which uses reference chains and the semi-structured interview technique (via telephone) remotely and in person and unsystematic observation. The applied questions were directed to the process of affirmation and ethnic recognition in the community and the manifestations of the black culture. The research had 23 interviewees from diverse segments such as teachers, farmers, health agents and the president of the community, in addition to six (06) informants. We followed this path from an interdisciplinary perspective, both through oral history and anthropology. As for the theoretical discussion, we have the main authors such as Gomes (2015), Arruti (2006), Almeida (2002), Leite (2000), O'Dwyer, who approach the topic in a systematic way, providing the scientific text with subsidies for analysis. of the search results. The results showed that the São Francisco community participates in a cultural entanglement as an Afro-descendant, in the face of this, it has sought recognition as a quilombo remnant, although it has been confirmed that a family did not appreciate the same purpose. The research also identified that the community members were unaware of the rights and benefits involved in achieving this recognition and that the existing conflicts were in the lack of assertive information despite the process with the competent body.Item A infância migrante no Brasil: a percepção dos operadores do sistema de garantia de direitos a partir da migração infantil venezuelana(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2022-08-16) Moura, Gheysa Daniele Pereira; Ferreira, Lúcia Marina Puga; Ferreira, Lúcia Marina Puga; Vilamar, Maria Del Carmen Villarreal; Santos, Tatiana de Lima Pedrosa dosIn the last decade, migrant childhood has been socially perceived in different ways around the world, ranging from subjects at risk who need the protection of the State and/or enemies of the State. In Brazil, despite Venezuelan migration shed light on the condition of children who cross the country's borders, child migration still represents a challenge to the Rights Guarantee System, due to its difficult conceptualization. The present study seeks a possible characterization of the transnational child migratory flow to Brazil in the period 2018-2020. Considering the health measures resulting from the pandemic caused by the Coronavirus (2019-nCoV), a research was carried out that associated cyber-ethnography with cyber- praxiography, in different methodological processes of collecting information about migrant childhood, from the perception of the participants. professionals who work in this segment within the scope of the Rights Guarantee System (Justice System and Unified Social Assistance System). At first, we present a brief historical review of child migration to Brazil, highlighting Venezuelan child migration. In the second moment, we present a discussion about the construction of the image of the migrant child in the urban social imaginary, relating it to the academic image and the public image of this childhood. At the last moment, we turned our gaze to the process of recognizing migrant children in their human right to citizenship and human dignity, considering the challenges for their protection by the Rights Guarantee System. Finally, we present a possible image of the migrant child as a subject of Rights, historical, cultural and citizen.Item Educação escolar indígena: processos de implementação e efetividade das políticas educacionais na comunidade Porto Praia de Baixo (Tefé-AM)(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2022-04-29) Oliveira , Nelma Catulino de; Rapozo, Pedro Henrique Coelho; Rapozo , Pedro Henrique Coelho; Teles , Luciano Everton Costa; Silveira , Cristiane daThis research analyzes the implementation of public policies of indigenous school education between 2011 and 2021 and their effectiveness in the indigenous territory of Porto Praia de Baixo, Municipality of Tefé. The Municipality of Tefé, although it has only the indigenous land Barreira da Missão demarcated and recognized by the Brazilian State, concentrates numerous territories where the presence of indigenous peoples is significant and potential reference for their political mobilization processes in the Region of the Middle River Solimões and Tributaries, as it concentrates the presence of public institutions, being also reference in trade, health and education to neighboring municipalities. The objectives of this research were to contextualize the historical process of ethnic mobilization of indigenous peoples who contributed to the implementation of indigenous school education in the territory of Porto Praia de Baixo; Identify and characterize the public policies of school education implemented in the Porto Praia de Baixo community, from 2011 to 2021; and Analyze the effectiveness of the policies implemented for indigenous school education in the community context. We used the qualitative research method, as well as the bibliographic review, document analysis and semi-structured interviews; developing an interdisciplinary approach between the social sciences in dialogue with history and education. The analysis allowed us to highlight, from public policies for indigenous school education, an understanding of the dynamics between State and Society and, above all, how social movements (groups and social agents) contribute to the implementation and effectiveness of educational actions in the indigenous territory of the community of Porto Praia de Baixo.Item Memória histórica, visual e paisagística do bairro Educandos (Manaus/AM)(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2022-03-09) Souto, Calina Ramos de Brito; Santos, Tatiana de Lima Pedrosa; Santos, Tatiana de Lima Pedrosa; Gomes, Leandro Eustáquio; Valle, Geraldo Jorge Tupinambá doThis research is dedicated to demonstrate the correlation between Memory, History and Landscape on the urban space that surrounds the Educandos neighborhood, Manaus/AM. Disserting how these elements can materialize in the landscapes that surround the neighborhood, using iconographic survey as part of the analysis of these landscapes. The central idea permeates in considering Educandos a silenced, forgotten neighborhood, through an analysis of its river shore. Next, an analysis is made of memory and historical survey to understand what history shows us about the urbanization process of Manaus, and about what historical context the Educandos neighborhood emerged and developed. The landscape is also a constituent element of the theoretical approach of analysis of this dissertation, which seeks to understand about concepts and how landscapes are understood as a scenario and stage for the events of a society, in which it is felt and interpreted according to the point of view of the observer, and how literature appears as a methodological tool to understand the landscape of the city of Manaus. The work ends by identifying, through interviews according to the method of oral history, the places of memory according to the old residents of the neighborhood, from the perspective of those who lived. These places reside only in their memories, and which can be considered as cultural heritage silenced by the cultural history of Manaus/AM. Understanding Educandos as a neighborhood of historical, social and cultural value for the city of Manaus, which can be considered a silenced landscape, as well older and away neighborhoods from the center suffered from the inequalities that we find in the history of Manaus.Item Patrimônio industrial e memória: a cervejaria Miranda Corrêa(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2020-05-15) Mendonça, Rosanna Lima de; Rocha, Rafael Ale; Rocha, Rafael Ale; Leal, Davi Avelino; Santos, Tatiana de Lima PedrosaThe industrial heritage has acquired a sense that goes beyond the aesthetic to become a set of temporal and spatial order in the face of the advance of forgetfulness and the loss of the place's memory. Landscape values, industrial traces, collective memory and artistic heritage are mixed in a continuous space. The building as a place of work can represent different memories in the social and cultural context of the city. So, for the former workers of Cervejaria Amazonense Miranda Corrêa is an industrial heritage? What are the memories connected to the building? As the Free Zone city, Manaus has little discussion of the industry as heritage. Therefore, the present work has as a general objective to understand the appropriation and valorization of the industrial heritage of the former Cervejaria Amazonense Miranda Corrêa through the eyes of former factory workers. The specific objectives will be: To understand the social and geographical changes that occurred due to the inclusion of industry in Manaus at the beginning of the 20th century; Describe the historical process of Cervejaria Amazonense Miranda Corrêa; Understand how the brewery's industrial heritage is appropriated and valued based on the memories and meanings attributed by former factory workers. The work bases the methodology on oral history. Through the collected narratives, it is possible to work with the memories and resignifications pointed out by the narrators, fulfilling the proposed objective of the research. The work intends to bring up the discussion of the industrial heritage constituted from the identity of individuals, bringing the place of speech of former workers and how their experiences contribute to the current vision of the building in the constitution of memory, culture and heritage.Item Identidades, saberes e territorialidades no mundo do trabalho das pescadoras de camarão da ilha do tarará – Tefé (Am)(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2020-05-19) Santos, Rosa Maria Ferreira dos; Rapozo, Pedro Henrique Coelho; Rapozo, Pedro Henrique Coelho; Sousa, Marília de Jesus da Silva e; Nogueira, Amélia Regina BatistaShrimp fishing carried out by women from Tarará Island in the municipality of Tefé-AM is the objective of this research, we seek to analyze the debate on the work of Amazonian women in the contemporary world, understanding their way of life and highlighting the territorialities and techniques developed in this activity, in addition to checking the ways of using and marketing the shrimp. We opted for the qualitative method of research in the nature of participant observation, as well as a methodological tool associated with the semistructured interview and bibliographic review of the main categories covered in the analysis, such as mode of production, work, women, fishing, territory and territoriality. All the work of making the equipment is carried out by the fishermen and is essential in this activity. The choice of fishing territories by women fishermen is defined according to the purpose of fishing, being carried out in different ways, forms and techniques. Among them, paneiro fishing, rapixé fishing, stingray fishing and finally tipuca fishing were described. In each of these modalities, we observe the capacity for social organization of work in fishing activities, as well as the construction, production and reproduction of territorialities expressed in the particularity of their ways of community life.