Mestrado em Ciências Humanas - PPGICH

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Resultados da Pesquisa

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    Casas e a Memória: estudo sobre as edificações residenciais do Centro Histórico de Manaus
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2023-02-15) Oliveira, Lauriane Teixeira de; Santos , Tatiana de Lima Pedrosa; Santos, Tatiana de Lima Pedrosa; Valle, Geraldo Jorge Tupinambá do; Nascimento, Maria Evany do
    This research proposes a critical and discursive analysis of heritage, memory, place, identity and culture and their interactions and articulations with three residential buildings located in the Historic Center of Manaus. The Historic Center of the city is the result of its historical process of formation, and that presents constructions, such as buildings, palaces, squares and monuments, with high architectural and urbanistic standards. In the Old Center it is possible to find residential buildings with the same characteristics of the period of their construction. Therefore, the analysis consists in understanding the dynamics of the historical, socioeconomic and cultural formation process, which is essential in the interpretation of these factors applied to the architectural and urban production of the city, and especially of these buildings. The discussions and notes of the conceptual and epistemological trajectory of the cultural heritage and its legal interactions in heritage management are included. As well as the conceptual discussion of Historic Center, and the characterization of the area where these houses are located. In addition, it sought to relate and critically discuss the eclectic model and the slope called Belle Époque that influenced and determined the urban and architectural improvements, implying the adoption of materials and construction techniques, as well as assimilation and cultural imposition of foreign values and customs. Relating these aspects in the production of these houses and their characteristics. And finally, the contribution of the narratives obtained through interviews with the owners of these houses, relating their memories and their experiences with the theoretical and conceptual approaches of memory and place. In addition to the interactions and contributions of the narratives of the interviewees and their families to the memory and identity of the city. The study also pointed out the management of heritage, its applicability and functionality, and the new perspectives for safeguarding the built heritage. It was sought, therefore, to highlight the relevance of these narratives in the memorial and identity contribution, in the historical and symbolic architecture of these buildings and their interdisciplinary interpretations in studies on heritage and culture.
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    Mulheres, memória e violência: representações e experiências no âmbito do conflito armado colombiano
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2022-03-13) Velasco, Martha Cecilia Machado; Rapozo, Pedro Henrique Coelho; Rapozo, Pedro Henrique Coelho; Ferreira, Lucia Marina Puga; Trujillo, Rosa Elizabeth Tabares
    The Colombian Armed Conflict is with no doubt a situation in which the role of the victim took relevance in the last years, the process of that memory reconstruction in which the individuals that are connected direct and indirectly to this phenomenon have converted into an essential tool to narrate what happened and at the same time, it’s an essential element in which the Colombian folk dialogue about peace on their territories. This research focuses its interest in the voice of the female victims of the conflict and its histories through the process of reconstruction of the memory as the peace bearers in their communities. For this research, it’s carried out by a bibliographic and documental labor that addresses the different theoretical concepts starting from the human studies; in the same way it complements the research with the use of ethnography and the semi-structured interview as the main tool to collect data in the countryside. In this context, it seeks to understand women’s role and political performance in the collective construction of the social and historical memories based on their experiences in the armed conflict scenario on the regions of Cauca and the Amazonas. At the same time, it looks to analyze and understand the memories of women’s daily life in the armed conflict context, as well as understanding the power relations that are established on the women’s role in the armed conflict territories and distinguish the representations that women produce of themselves and their lifestyles in violence contexts.
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    Memória histórica, visual e paisagística do bairro Educandos (Manaus/AM)
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2022-03-09) Souto, Calina Ramos de Brito; Santos, Tatiana de Lima Pedrosa; Santos, Tatiana de Lima Pedrosa; Gomes, Leandro Eustáquio; Valle, Geraldo Jorge Tupinambá do
    This research is dedicated to demonstrate the correlation between Memory, History and Landscape on the urban space that surrounds the Educandos neighborhood, Manaus/AM. Disserting how these elements can materialize in the landscapes that surround the neighborhood, using iconographic survey as part of the analysis of these landscapes. The central idea permeates in considering Educandos a silenced, forgotten neighborhood, through an analysis of its river shore. Next, an analysis is made of memory and historical survey to understand what history shows us about the urbanization process of Manaus, and about what historical context the Educandos neighborhood emerged and developed. The landscape is also a constituent element of the theoretical approach of analysis of this dissertation, which seeks to understand about concepts and how landscapes are understood as a scenario and stage for the events of a society, in which it is felt and interpreted according to the point of view of the observer, and how literature appears as a methodological tool to understand the landscape of the city of Manaus. The work ends by identifying, through interviews according to the method of oral history, the places of memory according to the old residents of the neighborhood, from the perspective of those who lived. These places reside only in their memories, and which can be considered as cultural heritage silenced by the cultural history of Manaus/AM. Understanding Educandos as a neighborhood of historical, social and cultural value for the city of Manaus, which can be considered a silenced landscape, as well older and away neighborhoods from the center suffered from the inequalities that we find in the history of Manaus.
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    Do cedro à seringueira - memórias da comunidade de Sírio-Libanesa no Amazonas
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2021-05-26) Daou, Geórgia Pozzetti; Ferreira, Lúcia Marina Puga; Pedrosa, Tatiana Lima; Souza, Carla Monteiro de
    This research focuses on the memories of Syrian-Lebanese descendants in Amazonas, seeking to give visibility to the participation of these immigrants in the development of Amazonian society. We consider that the memories of the elders are important links for the cultural continuity of a people, therefore, ten people were selected to participate in the study, considering they are third generation, over sixty years old and who are part of the same social network, formed at the time of the first immigrants. The methodology used refers to bibliographic research, which collaborates in the understanding of the migratory movements of the Syrian-Lebanese to Brazil; and oral history, which, through interviews, enables the (re) visitation of shared memories. Revealing these shared narratives provides an overview of how each participant sees the immigration of their ancestors and the continuity of Syrian-Lebanese culture today. In the composition of this dissertation, in addition to the narratives, the personal collections of the interviewees participate, revealing how they act in the constitution of memories and in the recognition of Syrian-Lebanese origins. The survey was conducted in the years 2019 and 2020, and the interviews were applied by telepresence, according to the Covid-19 guidelines for social isolation. To close this study, it is considered that the interviewees' memories still carry elements that lead them to be recognized as Syrian-Lebanese, as well as revealing the desire for the continuation of these memories to the new generations, even though the culture of origin is affected by culture place.
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    A religião produz cidades: relações históricas com a fé e materialização da religiosidade nos espaços públicos em Amaturá - AM
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2020-07-19) Dias, Luan Cristóvão dos Santos; Valle, Geraldo Jorge Tupinambá Do
    The religion, as a mechanism of territorial, ideological and political control, is located in the space for the consolidation of its domain. The city, as an organism composed of its human agents, absorbs the discourses of the imaginary and materializes them in its visible spaces. The present work proposes to draw a dialogical line between religion and city, focusing on the city of Amaturá - AM, which maintains a connection with the Catholic religion that is historical, cultural and identity, massified by the festivals of its patron saints. Focusing on the study of social memory, on the production of religious symbolism and on the connection between man and his physical place of existence, it can understand the ways of existing and (re) signify the city of Amaturá and its public spaces through the discourse of religiosity, a discourse that is propagated by the existence of symbols and by the production of memories, and make the formation of the identity of the Catholic amaturaense be a result of the relationship between religious discourse and the city.
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    Memória biocultural e sua articulação com os saberes escolares na Aldeia Nova Esperança, Manaus-AM.
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2018-08-15) Colares, Peterson Medeiros; de Jesus, Edilza Laray; de Jesus, Edilza Laray; Rapozo, Pedro Henrique Coelho; Araújo, Nelcioney José de Souza
    ABSTRACT This work aims to study, from the perspective of the Biocultural Memory, the confluence between the scientific and traditional knowledge in the Puranga Pisasú School and how they reaffirm the identity of the baré people of Aldeia Nova Esperança, Manaus, Amazonas. It has its theoretical foundation backed by Toledo and Barrera-Bassols (2010, 2015) Foucault (1996, 1999, 2005, 2008), Bauman (2001, 2005), Hall (2003, 2005), Vasconcellos (2002), Meliá (1999) and others, to understand the debate about the production, circulation and validation of knowledge, the social status of scientific knowledge and its influence on the colonizing process of indigenous cultures, and the concept of Biocultural Memory as a variety of complex systems of knowledge and practices of subject-nature relationship that are established and updated from human composition to ecosystems over time. The research was characterized as a case study, with a qualitative-quantitative approach, using bibliographic and documentary research techniques, semi-structured interviews and direct observation. The results show that the school-community articulation around a work project, based on Project Pedagogy, has allowed to articulate, although in an incipient form, the contents of the formal curriculum with knowledge of the traditional culture, especially its symbolic and ritual aspects, contributing effectively to the resumption of customs and practices of baré culture in that community. . Key words. Biocultural Memory. Traditional Knowledge. Indigenous School Education.