ENS - Livro
URI permanente para esta coleçãohttps://ri.uea.edu.br/handle/riuea/3355
Item Iniciação à docência: a experiência do PIBID-UEA na articulação teoria-prática no ensino básico(Letraria, 2017) Narzetti, Claudiana (org.); Neves, Aline C. O. das (org.)This book, composed of 42 chapters, is one more of the fruits of the Institutional Scholarship Initiation Program to Teaching, developed at the State University of Amazonas (PIBID-UEA). The PIBID-UEA Institutional Project adds a set of objectives and actions, aiming at the initial formation of UEA degree courses, training continuing education of primary school teachers and improvements in basic education, through the integration between universities, the schools and the community of Amazonas. This book is one of the actions of PIBID-UEA. Certainly, it will give the reader a of the project developed in the state of Amazonas, covering both the capital, Manaus, and cities of the interior of the state.