Extensão em Revista
URI permanente desta comunidadehttps://ri.uea.edu.br/handle/riuea/5716
A Extensão em Revista é um periódico com publicação semestral, de caráter interdisciplinar, que tem como propósito central a divulgação das atividades de extensão, que envolvam a prática de saberes, a interação dialógica do conhecimento e o benefício da comunidade interna e da sociedade em geral. Suas publicações priorizam atividades e reflexões a respeito das ações de extensão na Amazônia Brasileira.
Item Um caminho melhor para os resíduos sólidos: levando a educação ambiental para as escolas públicas de Tefé (Amazonas)(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-01-16) Souza, Luciane Lopes de; Silva, Sara Souza da; Souza, Edvan LimaDuring the period from March 2013 to August 2015, teachers and students Amazonas State University undertook many activities in their project “Clean City: Do your part” (BR Portuguese: “Cidade Limpa: faça sua parte”) together with the Tefé municipal district (Amazonas). In such activities were included: Awareness campaigns, educational lectures, workshops, competitions, and short courses in state and municipal schools and rural communities. The environmental education actions were developed in fourteen schools in Tefé, involving two thousand five hundred students from elementary and high school. On the university campus, the actions were also developed involving academics from all courses, which led to a reduction in the use of plastic cups. Finally, this experience has brought the University Enviromental Education to different social segments, contributing to educational practices on the reuse of solid waste by teaching how to execute the “5 R’s”, seeking improvement in the quality of life.Item Confecção e instalação de próteses buco maxilofaciais em pacientes do centro de especialidades odontológicas da Universidade do Estado do Amazonas: um relato da experiência(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-01-16) Nichthauser, Brigitte; Passos, Shirley Maria de Araújo; Braga Filho, Francisco Pantoja; Reis, Hewelyn de Jesus do; Moraes, Cristiane de Oliveira; Braga, Francisco PantojaAbout two years ago, three dental faculty members from Amazonas State University decided to create a facially maimed rehabilitation service through prosthetics. Three objectives were proposed: Community service, teaching of graduate students, and conducting research in the area. Thus far, as has been disclosed, patients have been referred from other institutions and also have also come to us spontaneously, and are then received, evaluated, and treated by the staff. As a result, we have received an average of five weekly visits of different cases and made delivery of approximately two prostheses per month because of their complexity.Item Presença da Literatura Infanto-Juvenil Amazonense na escola(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-01-16) Sicsú, Delma Pacheco; Santos, Noelma Cidade dos; Pereira, Tatiana OliveiraChildren and youth literature has been gaining significant space in the local and national book publishing industry since 2000, though it is still unknown to the local public. Based on this observation, we proposed the development of a reading project from the perspective of Literary Literacy, the Imaginarium and the Reception Aesthetics with children and youth literature in public schools in Parintins. The project aims therefore at the circulation and reception of Amazonian children's literature in schools in order to promote it in the schools and in virtual space. The project in question has been developed since 2014 in the Parintins public schools. As theoretical and methodological support our studies are based on Zilberman (2003), Solé (1998) Cosson (2014), among others that contribute significantly to theoretical discussions on the topic in question.Item Ressuscitação cardiopulmonar na escola: uma ação da liga acadêmica de emergências clínicas do amazonas (LAEC-AM)(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-01-16) Alves, Pietro Pinheiro; Ferreira, Marcelo de Assis; Soares, Alex Wilker AlvesThis article is the product of extension activities carried out by members of the Amazonas Clinical Emergency Academic League, which brought to the students of two public schools in Manaus and one private school knowledge about basic life support, aimed at the education of the lay public, since more than 50% of cardiac arrests occur in outside of hospitals.Item Atenção odontológica hospitalar às crianças internadas no ICAM (Instituto da Criança do Amazonas)(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-01-16) Ribeiro, Eliane de Oliveira Aranha; Soares, Keuly Sousa; Gama, Lorena Tavares; França, Camilla Maria Nery Baracho de; Oliveira, Rodrigo Ferreira de; Salino, Alessandra Valle; Prestes, Gimol ResendeThe objective of this project is to promote hospital dental care in children hospitalized at the Amazon Child Institute, highlighting the importance of the dentist presence in the multidisciplinary team in hospitals. An exploratory, descriptive and cross-sectional study was conducted on children with disabilities hospitalized in ICAM from September 2014 to August 2015, through the oral conditions assessment of hospitalized pediatric patients in the ward beds and those admitted in ICU beds. From the data 330 preventive care and 40 curative care were conducted. This provided evidence that dentistry can be inserted in the hospital in a resolute way for a low cost, promoting oral and general health, making the concept of comprehensive health care effective.Item Grupo de apoio à terceira idade da Universidade do Estado do Amazonas – gati-uea: relato de experiência(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-01-16) Oliveira, Hugo Valério Corrêa de; Silva, Tiago Amorim e; Picanço, Gabriel MendesIn Brazil, the increase in life expectancy over the last two decades has favored rapid growth of the elderly population, which converges with the need to create programs or support groups for this age group, with the main aim of compensating for the failures in the public health system. The Support Group for Senior Citizens of Amazonas State University, GATT / UEA, came up with the aim of informing and educating the elderly on the main diseases in the "best age". The work of GATT was organized in three stages and involved a total of 435 elders, belonging to the University of the Third Age (UNATI), UEA. The analysis of the activities allowed for the establishing the large deficiency of basic information in this population, particularly on when and how to find help.Item Uma frutífera no seu quintal: produção e doação mudas(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-01-16) Chalco, Fiorella Perotti; Dias, Ina Lellys RibeiroThe planting of fruit trees is a good option for diversification, helping to improve the population's diet quality. This study aimed at the production of seedlings from seed selection to the establishment of the plant, teach germination techniques, planting, and monitoring of fruit tree seedlings donated to the population. Showing the importance of the consumption of organic fruits and indirectly contributing to making the city greener. The endemic fruit species most consumed by the population of the city of Parintins were selected. The germinated seedlings were accompanied until they reached an average of 15 cm tall. 10 workshops, 2 Mini courses, and 5 exhibition were held involving about 1,400 people from the community in general, municipal and state schools at the primary and secondary levels, and academics from different courses at UEA. At CESP the exhibitions open the general community took place. Donations of seedlings were made in which students undertook the commitment to plant them in their backyards, as well as to accompany the establishment of the seedlings to put into practice what they had learned in the workshops. In general, the public has shown great interest in acquiring information on fruit trees and planting. They adopted their seedlings and planted in their yards. This work was very important, because throughout the workshops they understood in a significant way the reasoning behind the explanations on each fruit species with regards to the procedures used to maintain and how to plant.Item Aprendendo libras no contexto das escolas do campo no município de Parintins – AM(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-01-16) Souza, Reana da Silva de; Amoedo, Francisca Keila de Freitas; Azevedo, Marlon Jorge Silva deThe Brazilian Sign Language – LIBRAS is a visual sign language used by the deaf community and is now part of the curriculum of undergraduate courses. Thus, reflecting and discussing on the subject covered is bound to this, having as its starting point the inclusion of learning from a constructivist concept concurrently with schools in the field. In this sense, the objective was to expand the Brazilian Sign Language - Libras in schools in the field, where hearing people got to know the reality experienced by deaf people, focusing mainly on building knowledge of the Brazilian Sign Language - LIBRAS, of being deaf, and breaking the stigma of disability through the recognition of their culture and identity. The procedures that guided this work was through the extension project entitled “Learning LIBRAS in the context of rural schools in the city of Parintins,” held in schools of the communities of Aninga, Parananema, and Macurany in this city, encouraging the learning of Brazilian Sign Language signals. Thus, the acquisition of LIBRAS - Brazilian Sign Language in schools in this field is drawn through adoption and dialogue among all.Item Educação e sexualidade: diálogos na escola(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-01-16) Rodrigues, Priscila Freire; Nobre, Suzete Camurça; Brelaz, Bruna; Ribero, Israel; Frota, ElizângelaThe theme education and sexuality addresses the importance of understanding gender and diversity in relation to sexuality in school as an educational combination and civic education rights. This article is meant to provide a comprehensive and critical analysis from this perspective in the context of school social relations, from an extension activity carried out with high school students in a public school in the city of Manaus.Item Preparatório para o vestibular de música da uea: breve histórico, atualidade e planos para o futuro(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-01-16) Caregnato, Caroline; Ventura, Fábio Silva; Cavalcanti, Brunno Cezar Menezes; Santos, Nilzilene da Costa; Kazak, IrinaThe “Preparatório para o Vestibular de Música da UEA” is a university extension project that, since 2014, has been offering music lessons to community members interested in entering the undergraduate courses in Music at Amazonas State University (UEA) and other higher education institutions. In this paper, we report on a brief history of the project; we also present the work team involved in the educational activities and an extensive description of the current students’ profile and their study expectations. Finally, actions for the continuation and expansion of the project are concisely presented.Item Desenvolvimento sustentável da Comunidade de Deus (Tancredo Neves): implementação da Agenda 21 local(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-01-17) Raposo, Nadia Verçosa de Medeiros; Moriya, Regina Yanako; Braga, Kiki Pinheiro Melo; Soares, Katrin LudwigDuring the period from August 2015 to September 2016, teachers and students from the State University of Amazonas implemented the local Agenda 21 in the Community of God in the district of Tancredo Neves. The objective of this project was to elaborate the local sustainable development plan by planning public policies involving civil society and state, municipal and federal governments in a broad and participatory consultation process on local environmental, social and economic problems Promoting debates on solutions to these problems through the identification and implementation of concrete actions aimed at local sustainable development. An environmental socioeconomic diagnosis was made, which showed that 10% of young people and adolescents are illiterate, only 1 out of every three dwellers generates income, and this income often comes from informal work, the community lacks infrastructure both in relation Asphalt and street lighting as to the suitability of the basic unit of health, leisure and quality of life, since there are no cultural or sporting spaces for the development of activities. The community of God is said to be insecure and violent. The difficulties encountered by the target public were discussed with the state and municipal public authorities and with the prorectory of the State University of Amazonas. The disbelief of the Community of God regarding the implementation of the proposed solutions in the forum, the lack of commitment not only of the local public authorities as well as the community leaders, and the lack of continuity of the activities after the implementation of the local Agenda 21 should not serve, in the However, as arguments for not implanting new agendas both in the capital and in the interior of the state.Item Educação em saúde bucal através de orientação audiovisual aos pacientes da Policlínica Odontológica da Universidade do Estado do Amazonas(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-01-17) Andrade, Kamila Menezes Guedes de; Regalado, Diego Ferreira; Silva, Jefter Haad Ruiz da; Grijó, Erilam da Silva; Gomes, Moisés AleliThe vision of the oral diseases - dental caries and periodontopathies - as multifactorial, caused by the association between a bacterial biofilm organized with time, diet and the host action, highlighted the need to stimulate the patient not only to do a rehabilitation (restoration), but also to make possible the awareness and prevention of diseases, since most of them seek for dental services because of the sequels of oral diseases. Objective: The objective of this study was to train and motivate patients from the UEA’s dental polyclinic through media resources, allowing the recognition of the need for prevention and self-care measures through oral health information with audiovisual resources. Methodology: Videos with information of oral health were showed and patients answered a simple questionnaire before and after receiving the instructions, to evaluate their prior and their acquired knowledge with the orientation received. Results and Discussion: The patients showed interest in the videos and answered the questionnaire satisfactorily after observing them. Final considerations: The videos of health education achieved the goal of making the patient aware to the care he must have to maintain the state of health and prevention of future diseases.Item Alternativas de capacitação e geração de renda com uso da madeira em Itacoatiara-AM(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-01-17) Lescanor, Branca Flor Murrieta; Chaves, Sérgio Anderson Cavalcante; Chalco, Melissa; Ferreira, Deolinda LucianneThe movable ones produce a quantity of residues that normally are discarded in the environment, or just burned. Alternatives to use this waste is the training of people who can reuse the wood, especially the making of small and medium objects in the form of handicrafts. Following a set of steps to facilitate the propagation of this sustainable idea that generates employment and income. It is concluded that this project presents a way to direct attention to income generation with reutilization of wood and reactivate the activities of the CETAM school workshop.Item Gestão da produção em micro e pequenas empresas industriais da cidade de Itacoatiara(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-01-17) Lima, Alafan Jeferson da Costa; Costa, Erick Cardoso; Soares, Jackson Carvalho; Santos, Laís Ananda Cruz dos; Coelho, Moisés Israel Belchior de AndradeThis article aims at the Presentation of a technological extension project in micro and small industrial enterprises in the city of Itacoatiara from an operations management approach with the aim of fostering the development of innovative products, services and processes. From the methodological point of view, the project is characterized as qualitative and exploratory with respect to the approach of the problem and objectives, respectively. As for technical procedures, it is characterized as an action research. In this project an approach was used for operations management with the objective of offering recommendations demonstrating the difficulties and facilitating the achievement of success in this process. The delimitation of the universe was composed of micro and small industrial enterprises located in the city of Itacoatiara/AM. The access to the enterprises occurred through participation of the Brazilian Service of Support to Micro and Small Enterprises (SEBRAE), Itacoatiara unit. Among the main results and impacts of the project stand out: (1) development of experiential learning in students of industrial engineering; (2) fostering an innovative local environment; (3) technological and managerial development of micro and small industrial enterprises of Itacoatiara; (4) approximation between university and business; and (5) motivation on the part of industrial engineering students in performing the given activities.Item A implementação do projeto Col canto1: colaboração entre as áreas vocal e pianística da UEA(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-01-17) Coelho, Gabriel Neves; Parpinelli, Duany Bruna LimaThis article describes the implementation process of the extension project Col Canto, created in 2015, which strives for a greater collaboration between the vocal and piano departments at the Amazonas State University through public concerts, in which the participants can be in contact with a wider audience. In the introduction, the problem and goals are presented, followed by the project’s results obtained so far, the outreach activities, as well as a discussion about the necessary improvements for the future. In doing so, it focuses on the strategies and methodologies applied in the first stages of implementation, as well as the role of its advisers, thus serving as a reference for other faculty planning to develop new projects in their academic departments.Item Programa de extensão UEA cidadã, benefícios para os voluntários e comunidade atendida: um relato de experiência(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-01-17) Costa, Flávio Renan Paula da; Santos, Hildegard Loren Rebouças; Almeida, Tainá Afonso de; Costa, Márcia GonçalvesThe UEA Cidadã program was created in 2009. It is based on the principle of citizenship. Its goal is promote social inclusion through collective actions aimed at the orientation and awareness of the public served. The program has contributed to improve the quality of community’s life through practices that promote access to health and the empowerment of those served through educational lectures and activities such as blood pressure measurement, blood glucose test, fluoride application and BMI verification (Body mass index). From August 2015 to September 2016, 89 social actions were carried out, 693 applications of topical fluoride and 2,356 people were attended. It is important to emphasize that faced with a country in crisis, the activities met the social demands and also promoted additional experiences for the health professionals involved.Item Cine UEA em movimentos: experiências com audiovisual em Parintins, médio-baixo Amazonas(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-01-17) Silveira, Diego Omar da; Iannuzzi, Rosane Maria; Almeida, Lucas Silva de; Picanço, Wullecton SouzaThis study presents experiences and results of the extension project named Cine UEA in movement at school, realized between the years 2013 and 2015 in the Parintins city, medium-low Amazonas. By the exhibitions and discussions of films we seek to lead to a diverse public – inside of the school, in the university and in other spaces of teaching- learning – a cinematographic production little-known and little widespread in the mainstream media and in the channel of trade and/or televised. In a region which there`s no cinema rooms, we comprehend the university occupies a central role, collaborating in a decisive way in a circulation of alternative cultural goods, problematizing and debating the products of the cultural industry. Along approximately two years were carried out film festivals about varied themes, since Latin American cinematographic to Brazilian documentaries or feature films about the human rights questions, always producing an instigating and creative contact between the university and the community, fostering a permanent horizontal debate among different subjects and social groups about central questions for the nowadays society.Item Percepções de estudantes do ensino médio sobre o ensino de física em um espaço não formal da cidade de Manaus(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-01-17) Gil, Antonio Xavier; Miranda, Adalberto Gomes de; Nunes, Edvam de Oliveira; Kalhil, Josefina BarreraIn this article, the objective was promoting a discussion of the physical phenomenon, and of the physical concepts together with students of the secondary education. In a no formal space, of an urbanized area, which is named of Mestre Chico, which is localized in Manaus town, from Amazonas state, and also, getting up the perception of the students about the utilization of this no formal space to improvement of the process of teaching and learning of physic. Thus, we utilize the methodology of participative research with qualitative approach, and with utilization of questionnaire of open ask to collect data about to perception of students, and, an exercise list to checking of the improvement of the teaching and learning, which are based in proper toys stand up in the local of visit. Thus, for analysis the perception of students, we use the content analysis to get into category groups. With this we not only to be able obtained our objective, but also opening discussion to increase of frequency of the utilization of these spaces by teachers of secondary school of Manaus.Item As narrativas das experiências do ensino de Inglês por professores de Parintins(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-01-17) Reis, Patrícia Christina dosThe current article was based on an extension project in Continuing Education, supported by PROEX, and conducted with English teachers from Parintins. Our objective was to bring teachers together to assist them in the development of their methodological competence and language abilities, consequently, aiming at the advance of English teaching in Parintins public schools. The methodology was based in a qualitative research about the teachers, involving interviews with them. Acting as intermediary of dialogues with school teachers, we have counted with the help of our University students who are daily conducting activities in several public schools. As a result, we present in this article the opinions given by school teachers who talk about English teaching, including teaching techniques, informal learning and future plans for professional improvement. Such opinions are related to recurrent issues in the field of foreign language studies, approached in texts such as the ones by Almeida Filho (2000), Gardner and Lambert (1972), Leffa (2008) and Schumann (1978). Our project is also related to studies such as the ones by Barcelos (2004), Paiva (2006) and Xavier (2014), who deal with teacher training and their life stories.Item Curumins do tempo: um projeto que visa à aproximação da sociedade com a Meteorologia(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-01-17) Oliveira, Maria Betânia Leal de; Fernandes Filho, Silas Farias; Barbosa, Rafael Gomes; Chaves, Daniela Correa; Souza, Rita Valéria Andreoli de; Souza, Rodrigo Augusto Ferreira deThe present paper is a report of activities developed during the execution of the Curumins do Tempo Project, submitted and approved in the Institutional Extension Program of the Amazonas State University (PROGEX/UEA, No. 38/2017- GR). It aims to promote the interaction between the university and society with regard to meteorology, in order to arouse interest in this subject. During the execution of the project students had the opportunity to understand how the air temperature, precipitation, wind speed, and other meteorological elements are measured in practice. We have presented different models of equipment that can be used for these measurements and their advances over the years, what physical units of measurement are used for each variable, and how these measures relate to weather and climate that are part of our daily routine, such as clouds, seasons, and thermal comfort. For so many models, posters, and practical activities were used in order to facilitate and make pleasant understanding of these topics related to meteorology, thus motivating these “Curumins do Tempo” to pass on the acquired knowledge.