Extensão em Revista

URI permanente desta comunidadehttps://ri.uea.edu.br/handle/riuea/5716

A Extensão em Revista é um periódico com publicação semestral, de caráter interdisciplinar, que tem como propósito central a divulgação das atividades de extensão, que envolvam a prática de saberes, a interação dialógica do conhecimento e o benefício da comunidade interna e da sociedade em geral. Suas publicações priorizam atividades e reflexões a respeito das ações de extensão na Amazônia Brasileira.


Resultados da Pesquisa

Agora exibindo 1 - 10 de 36
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    Safári ecológico - geométrico
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-03-19) Benayon, Edney da Silva
    The Ecological Safari - geometric project was designed to develop teaching practices, it was the involviment students aged 13 to 14 year age from the 7th grade (A, B and C) of the Municipal School Padre Sebastião Luiz dos Santos Puga Barbosa, occurred in three phases with applicability of the environmental theme that started with my participation in the immersion course: The Amazon Forest and its multiple dimensions, Laboratories of Psychology and Forest Management of INPA (80 hours) and with the observation of remodeling activities in the teaching methodologies of mathematics in the classroom during my professional pratice, of the sub-used spaces in the school, of learning objects, modeling techniques, construction of geometric forms, confection of animals of the biome of the forests, so that the experiences of this project gave an interdisciplinary look with the natural sciences and the mathematics, creating real human laboratories within a logical structure of the mathematical thought.
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    Projeto batukinalata: uma vivência musical nas aulas de artes na escola de ensino fundamental Olga Figueiredo na cidade de Manaus
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-07-27) Chaves, Eliana de Souza
    This article presents an development account and results of the “Batukinalata” music project, held at the Olga Figueiredo Municipal School, located in the city of Manaus-AM, within the arts discipline, involving students from the five classes of the 7th year in order to carry out this project, I counted with the general coordinators suports from Polo Arte na Escola Program based in University of the State of Amazonas (UEA), a Music student of this institution Course, with the support of an other musician from the city and also with the exchange of experience with the group “Curumim na lata”, belonging to the Municipal Education Center Aníbal Beça, Municipal Education Department (SEMED). In addition to these supports, I was able to expand my pedagogical knowledge in art by participating in the continuing education meetings offered by the Division of Professional Development from the Education Department (DDPM / SEMED) in partnership with the said Art Polo. The project “Batukinalata” arose from the proposal of using cans of empty paints found in the school, in order to constroy musical instruments of percussion, meeting the music contents of the proposed art classes from the school curriculum. Thus, the project had the purpose of providing a musical and aesthetic experience in construction of these musical instruments, especially of percussion that were used in the musicalization processes. As partial results, it was possible to perceive these students musical abilities development, the interest in deepening this constructed knowledge as well as the perception of new possibilities of the creative field from the use of alternative materials.
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    Nos caminhos da leitura e da escrita na eja
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-04-08) Chaves, Themys Yslene Simões
    This article is a reflection on the challenges and the paths followed in the realization of a reading and writing project in classes of Youth and Adult Education (EJA) of the night shift, developed in 2017 at the Municipal School Villa Lobos in Manaus ( AM) by the teacher of Portuguese Language of said school. Considering an interactive perspective of teaching and learning from the study of textual genres. We hoped, among other situations, to contemplate also the different contents, abilities and competences of the teaching of the Portuguese Language.
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    Música e tecnologia: uma proposta de ensino de artes
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-09-26) Silva, Luciana Pereira da Costa e
    This experience report presents the educational action of music developed at the Vicente de Paula Municipal school in Manaus, Amazonas in partnership with the Institutional Program of the Initiation to Teaching - Visual Arts Subproject of the Federal University of Amazonas PIBID / UFAM. All the action was systematized in three guiding axes based on Ana Mae Barbosa ‘s Triangular Proposal: artistic making, reading of the image and contextualization and began with the construction of musical instruments which the whole artistic work process was recorded and presented in animations. The exhibition and appreciation of the works produced generated a moment of enjoyment. The educational action was significant for all the actors involved to include the Elementary School students learning , the initial training of the Visual Arts undergraduates and the continuing education of the teachers involved as well, considering that they have become protagonists of their teaching learning process one of the goals of the Continuous Art Training subproject developed by the Division of Professional Development of Teaching - DDPM / SEMED in partnership with the Polo Art at School - UEA.
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    Menino brinca de boneca e menina brinca de carrinho? Refletindo questões de gênero na formação continuada e na sala de aula de educação infantil
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-08-05) Rodrigues, Michelle de Albuquerque
    To play, essential in the child education, should enable the full development of the children, contributing in the critical sense creation and for a fair society between men and women. The current study had as objectives: General: Reflect about gender and sexuality matters in the child education; Specifics: Plan pedagogical actions through the continuing education of teachers from SEMED and implement awareness actions along children regarding discriminatory attitudes, recognizing the toys as playful tools for beyond the gender distinctions. Three activities were applied with the children: Round of Conversation indentifying their relations with the toys and games, Reading and Discussion of childhood reading. Children’s relatives requested this activity would be stopped, so the project wasn’t finished. It has been checked evidences that the playful doing has been trough by prejudice influences related to a supposed association between sexual identity and spontaneity during the children’s playing.
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    Leitura e contação de histórias na educação infantil: o encontro entre as crianças e os livros
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-11-13) Sampaio, Ellen Sandra da Cruz
    This text reports a process developed with 180 children from 1st and 2nd period of Early Child hood Education (between four to six years old), from a municipal school in Manaus in the year 2017. The reported experience results from a set of activities carried out whose objective was to promote a closer relationship between the childrenand the universe of children’s literature through reading and story telling. Considering the developed activity, we consider as results the motivation of the children for being closer to the books and the increase of their interest in participating in the moments of reading and story telling. Such attitudes are the result of the children’s response to the need for reading that was created in them.
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    Formação continuada em arte: programa de extensão polo arte na escola uea e a parceria com a secretaria municipal de educação de Manaus
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-05-17) Neves, Hirlândia Milon
    This article aims to present a brief background about the implementation of the Pole Extension Program Art at School from the Amazon State University (UEA), the methodology adopted in its actions and, in special, the reports about the partnership of continued formation in art with the Division o the Professional Development of the Magisterium (DDPM) of the Municipal Department of Education (SEMED). The art teachers of this department have the oportunity to experience aesthetic processes and practical activites of thematic proposals about the different artistic languages, inspite of the socialization and exchange of pedagogical experiences in arts. The Pole UEA Art was implemented through a partnership firmed between this University and the Institute Art at School (IAE), in 2005. From that date and on, UEA started to be part of the Network Art at School (RAE), a network composed by cultural universities and institutions formed all over Brasil. Inspite of continued formation of art teachers in schools of elementary education, the Pole UEA Art contributes toward the inicial degree of its students with scholarships and of the other students from the Superior School of Arts and Tourism that participate of their meetings of formation. It also realizes research to analyze and evaluate its actions of graduation, through the Program of Support to the Scientific Initiation (PAIC), with the participation of UEA students with scholarships, or through the Support Foundation to the Amazon State Research (FAPEAM) or through the University itself. Among the reached results, the Pole UEA Art has sought to attend the orientations of the indisocialization among extension, teaching and research, by promoting its actions from the interation between university and the education departments.
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    Flauta além da barreira: vivência musical com alunos da escola municipal solange nascimento da zona rural de manaus
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-09-20) Lima, Doroteia Barros de
    At this Project, I introduce the account of music plan “Flauta além da barreira”, developed by students from sinth to ninth grade of midde school, at the school municipal Solange Nascimento. This school is located just after the Kederal Highway Police station, at BR-174, at Km 2.5 of Manaus / AM. This post is known by the inhabitants of the city as “police barrier”, “road barrier” or only “barrier”. The purpose of this Project was to develop the teaching of music came from sweet flute, a music instrument much used for teachers ar the schools of basic education. Classes of ricorder were developed came of reading from melody figure, where student were direct to observe the name of musical notes at their shape how they are nowtten. After this plan, I intended tp develop technical exercise used to play recorder, and following to these processes, students took to execute a music affered to the class. All the participants happened for musicalization process, musical reading, and they learned to play a musical instrument, that case, a recorder. They had the opportunty to have na experience diferente repertoires, including regional musics. So, contributing to its musical cultural and social development.
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    Experimentando a musicalização na educação infantil
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-08-16) Vilhena, Nelma Palheta de
    This article deals with an experience report of the teaching of children’s education through music as a language. Describes the conditions created in the school environment through the use of music as an educational tool and socialization and also as a way of working concepts related to environmental preservation with reuse in the construction of musical instruments. The inductive method was selected, bibliographic research and retrospective documentary research also. The research universe included training experiences in the field of education in 2017 at a kindergarten school in the city of Manaus. The results point to reflections on the importance of deepening studies regarding this learning resource to guide innovative educational practices. The children involved in this training experience presented a participative attitude and a greater interest in the subjects dealt with in the classroom, enabling better development and learning.
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    Eu, artista da minha vida!
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-04-17) Silva, Heloiza Santos da
    The present article reports on the development of a pedagogical project that dealt with the valorization of the artistic work of the child through the reading of works of art, developed at CMEI Moacir Andrade, with children of 4 (four) years, 1st period. Its objective was to enrich the repertoire of imagination and creation of the child, to value its productions and to deconstruct the idea that the drawing is the privilege of a few, proposing a work with readings. We used as references for the children’s productions the biography and works of the artists Leonardo da Vinci, Tarsila do Amaral, Moacir Andrade and Nilza Barbosa, chosen from a previous selection on themes and authorial styles. We propose the use of diversified materials (such as fabrics, boxes, rollers, styrofoam trays, paints, charcoal, among others), varying the body position (drawing sitting, lying, standing), produced) and the marker (material used to make the drawing). The use of different supports and markers, as well as the variation of body position, made classes more interesting and challenging. The process of development of the drawing has gained centrality, in addition to an end product, because it is during the activity that the child appropriates the language and expresses itself. Valuing the process as a single moment of development does not discredit the ready design, but considers the time as the child creates as a unique moment for the dialogue between imagination and creation. As children have the freedom to create from a reference and are not coerced into making copies, we have unique end products and own brands that were exhibited in the institution, which promoted many dialogues between the children and the participation of the school community.