Extensão em Revista

URI permanente desta comunidadehttps://ri.uea.edu.br/handle/riuea/5716

A Extensão em Revista é um periódico com publicação semestral, de caráter interdisciplinar, que tem como propósito central a divulgação das atividades de extensão, que envolvam a prática de saberes, a interação dialógica do conhecimento e o benefício da comunidade interna e da sociedade em geral. Suas publicações priorizam atividades e reflexões a respeito das ações de extensão na Amazônia Brasileira.


Resultados da Pesquisa

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  • Item
    Desafio das religiões: uma proposta lúdico-pedagógica para as aulas de ensino religioso
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-05-20) Costa, Giordano Cássio da Silva
    One of the central aspects of this work is to promote teaching learning, through games and games, in a pedagogical action built with the participation of 6th and 7th year students of the São Judas Tadeu School located in Br 174 Km 12 of the afternoon shift occurred in the year of 2016 and 2017 in order to develop knowledge, exercise skills and abilities that lead to respect for religious cultures, their founders, symbols and sacred books in the world, as well as in the Brazilian context. Another possibility is to encourage students to know little-studied religions such as African, Eastern, Indian and modern religions. Through the games of memory, oracle and domino, students establish relationships between images and singularities of different religions, the play can be explored in several ways, especially highlighting the contents of Religious Education that are in the pedagogical proposal of SEMED and that the contents were studied in the training meetings provided by the DDPM. By containing clear rules, the game can be explored from religious diversity, emphasizing respect, reflective critical thinking, and the promotion of citizenship.
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    A construção do jogo e material concreto como atividades lúdicas para o ensino da matemática na educação de jovens e adultos (eja)
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-09-13) Amorim, Maria Mirley Alves de
    The present report of pedagogical experience was carried out by a Mathematics teacher and the series of the three groups of the 5th phase in the night shift, had a pedagogical action with a specific public, right by its age group and, mainly by an identity delineated by traits of sociocultural exclusion. The proposal of this issue demands the teaching of the teaching, in the issue of demand, the need for and the teaching of the teaching, in which. Thus, the secondary education of games and concrete materials as an alternative resource for a practice of theoretical, practical and meaningful nature of Mathematics taught and learned in the Education of Young and Adults. The results obtained were much greater as to the viability of the use of games and concrete materials as didactic resources in the construction of the students’ knowledge, instead, when appropriately planned by the teacher, as being a valuable resource in the teaching of learning in Mathematics.