Produções Acadêmicas e Cientificas - UEA

URI permanente desta comunidade


Resultados da Pesquisa

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    Criação, produção, usos e funções da Iconografia Musical
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2024-09-10) Sotuyo Blanco, Pablo; da Silva Souza, Nilton; Pablo Sotuyo Blanco; Nilton da Silva Souza
    The RIdIM-Brasil (International Repertory of Musical Iconography in Brazil) is a national project focused on indexing, cataloging, researching, and disseminating Brazil's musical iconographic heritage. It holds biennial congresses in Brazil, during which the scientific community that studies the relationships between music and image presents the progress of individual and collective research projects. With the same frequency, motivated by the renewal of knowledge brought about by such exchanges, a book featuring the most relevant research by professors from national and international institutions is published after each congress. The present volume was inspired by the event held in 2023 in Maceió, Alagoas, and is therefore the result of a collaboration between UEA, through the PPGLA,UFAL and UFBA.
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    Contando e cantando histórias: encontros na Amazônia
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2024-02-15) Bordin, Vanessa Benites
    This book proposes to make a reflective analysis of the research carried out in the field of pedagogical practices and poetic experiences lived with the indigenous people of the Kokama and Tikuna ethnicities. These sensitive meetings were guided by the search for dialogue with Amerindian knowledge and the creation of a space for knowledge and cultural exchange that enhances the voices of the subjects involved - the indigenous people, the student-artists and the teacher-artist. Encounters with other bodies, people, groups, experiences, places, ideas, histories, cultures, ethnicities and gender, constituting the network of collaborations.
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    Análise do perfil dos alunos do Programa de Pós-Graduação Interdisciplinar em Ciências Humanas da UEA (PPGIH-UEA) 2016-2022
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 12-2023) Piñeiro, Shirlei Regina Vilar da Costa
    The research aimed to analyze the profile of students who have remained or are still linked to the Master’s Program in Human Sciences (MCH) of the Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Program in Human Sciences (PPGICH) at the Amazonas State University (UEA). This is a descriptive exploratory case study, with a quantitative approach, conducted in 2022, based on multiple sources of evidence to support the highlighted assumptions. Until 2022, PPGICH had conferred to society 91 Masters in Human Sciences with Average Degree Time (ATM), classified by the CAPES - Interdisciplinary (45 Area) evaluation area as “Very Good”. It was found that: from the 129 institutional enrollments created for the student body, the female gender is noteworthy in participation; the average age of students when entering the course is lower than the average age for entering Stricto Sensu courses measured by CAPES; there is a greater representation of self-declared brown-skinned students, unmarried, native from the Amazon, and more than half of the PPGICH academics received scholarships to provide studies in exclusive dedication during their academic journey. Although there is inequality in gender participation, there is a subtle trend towards homogenization and balance between them in the long term; there is under-representation of black and indigenous populations in the Program’s student body, signaling the lack of public policies for the insertion of these communities, at the Stricto Sensu level; and that even considering the limitations of access to the State, the nucleation of the PPGICH in Manaus and, above all, in Tefé allowed the achievement of education at the Stricto Sensu level from the mobility of students coming from 70% of the microregions of Amazonas, directly reflecting on the strategy of interiorization of the Post-graduation Stricto Sensu in the State proposed by the State University of Amazonas.
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    Teatro infantojuvenil no Brasil e em Angola: pesquisas e vivências artístico-pedagógicas
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2023-12-31) Gislaine Regina Pozzetti; Renata Rolon
    Teatro infantojuvenil no Brasil e em Angola: pesquisas e vivências artístico-pedagógicas provides critical-theoretical reflections on the various paths of dramaturgy aimed at children and young people, performed in Brazil and Angola. The book is the result of lectures and papers presented at the I Simpósio Internacional de Teatro Infantojuvenil Brasil-Angola, held from September 12 to 18, 2022. The main aim of the publication is to bring together texts that can reduce the lack of knowledge about theater production in the two countries. For this reason, it is important to mention that the history of theater in Angola dates back to the colonial period, but the advent of dramatic literature occurred later, only when poetry and prose were established and recognized for their dialogue with African cultural elements. In Brazil, the first theatrical manifestations took place in the 16th century as a form of catechization, but from the 19th century onwards Brazilian theater began to take shape, with the renewal coming in 1943. So, both in Brazil and Angola, theater has undergone transformations in its form, genre and content. As a result, faced with new historical and social scenarios, the crossing between the American and African continents, once driven by the cruelty of people trafficking, now takes place thanks to the circulation of ideas, projects and utopias.
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    Memória, alteridade, performance: narrativas e poéticas da e sobre Amazônia
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2023-10-17) Cavalheiro, Juciane; Leão, Allison; Silva Jr., Augusto R.; Juciane Cavalheiro; Allison Leão; Augusto R. Silva Jr.
    This book aims to contribute to the promotion of thinking Amazon, through discussion on the establishment of representation models of the Amazon, present in the discourse of narratives and poetics, whether written or oral – especially literature seen in relation to culture, other arts, intellectual action and social thought –, which touch on the exposed theme. In addition to establishing and reflect on the sociocultural and political-economic contexts, based on the literature produced in the Amazon, this collection of articles seeks to debate and analyze the literary forms in relation to said space, going back to a game of values through language, preferably thinking about the region from relational contexts between the regional, the national, international and global.
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    Música para tecla solo de José Maurício Nunes Garcia e Marcos Portugal
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2023-09-01) TRILHA, Mário; PÁSCOA, Márcio; MONTEIRO, Guilherme
    Musical circles flourished in eigteenth century Brazil, most of the music was supplied by Afro-Brazilian musicians, they were Chapel Masters and organists. The Portuguese Court departed to Brazil in November 1807, just before the arrival in Lisbon of Junot’s troops. The 12 years presence of the portuguese royal family in Rio de Janeiro radically improves the musical life in Brazil, with a new production of keyboard music mainly for the aristocratic and bourgeois young pupils. The main composers for keyboard music in the tropical court were: José Maurício Nunes Garcia and Marcos Portugal José Maurício Nunes Garcia (b Rio de Janeiro, 1767; d there, 1830). He was priest and mestre de capela of Rio´s Cathedral from 1798 and of the royal chapel from 1808. In 1821, he composed the first brazilian pianoforte method: first and second parts with a set of 12 lessons, and a third part with six Fantasias. Marcos Portugal, or Marco Portogallo (b Lisbon,1762; d Rio de Janeiro, 1830). He was the most famous Luso-Brazilian composer ever. In 1811, he was urgently called by the Prince Regent to go and serve Him in Rio’s Court. The Portuguese Monarch reserved to Marcos Portugal the post of music master to his son and daughters. As Master of Their Royal Highness, he composed, between 1811-17, solo keyboard pieces for his royal pupils. In 1824, he became a Brazilian citizen.
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    Teoria, percepção e criação musical: nível 1A: material do(a) estudante
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2023-06-24) Caregnato, Caroline; Ventura, Fábio Silva
    "Music Theory, Perception and Creation - Level 1A"; is the first volume of a series of four that brings contents and exercises in music theory, ear training, and solfege alongside music creation projects that seek to integrate theoretical learning with music practice. Developed by teachers from the Universidade do Estado do Amazonas (UEA), this material is meant to be used with children and teenagers from nine years old on and can be adopted by music theory and ear training teachers, but also in instrument or musicalization classes. Each volume is divided into four sections (Music Theory, Ear Training, Solfege, and Music Creation), which have exercises graded in difficulty and that were developed and improved over years of experimentation in classes from UEA extension courses. The book's sections should be combined so that the learning of theory, ear training, and solfege occurs in a way connecting practice and listening, that is, therefore, more meaningful to the students. The "Student Book" has explanatory texts and exercises, and is also richly illustrated with pictures that can be painted by the student. This material can be freely downloaded from the internet and printed on a home printer. Also included in this volume are the "Teacher's Book" and the "CD 1A".
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    Teoria, percepção e criação musical: nível 1A: material do(a) professor(a)
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2023-06-24) Caregnato, Caroline; Ventura, Fábio Silva
    "Music Theory, Perception and Creation - Level 1A"; is the first volume of a series of four that brings contents and exercises in music theory, ear training, and solfege alongside music creation projects that seek to integrate theoretical learning with music practice. Developed by teachers from the Universidade do Estado do Amazonas (UEA), this material is meant to be used with children and teenagers from nine years old on and can be adopted by music theory and ear training teachers, but also in instrument or musicalization classes. Each volume is divided into four sections (Music Theory, Ear Training, Solfege, and Music Creation), which have exercises graded in difficulty and that were developed and improved over years of experimentation in classes from UEA extension courses. The book's sections should be combined so that the learning of theory, ear training, and solfege occurs in a way connecting practice and listening, that is, therefore, more meaningful to the students. The “Teacher’s Book” presents guidelines for the approach and execution of the activities in the book. They are based on theoretical reflections by renowned authors in the fields of music education and music psychology. The material also contains chords and music sheets that can be played live by the teacher. Also included are the "Student’s Book's and the CD 1A".
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    Tutorial: autuação de Processos Administrativos via Protocolo Virtual/AM
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2022-08-01) Piñeiro, Shirlei Regina Vilar da Costa
    Instituído pelo Decreto N.º 42.727, de 08 de setembro de 2020, como o sistema oficial de registro e peticionamento eletrônico no âmbito do Amazonas, o Protocolo Virtual/AM tem se caracterizado como uma eficiente ferramenta de gestão, visto que a sua implementação tornou mais prático, seguro, transparente e econômico o protocolo de documentos na esfera Executiva do Estado. Com o intuito de i) contribuir com a popularização da ferramenta; ii) atuar como agente facilitador na difusão das informações acerca do fluxo operacional na Plataforma; e iii) conduzir o usuário externo ao uso deste mecanismo de petição, a Secretaria do Programa de Pós-Graduação Interdisciplinar em Ciências Humanas – PPGICH publica o TUTORIAL: AUTUAÇÃO DE PROCESSOS ADMINISTRATIVOS VIA PROTOCOLO VIRTUAL/AM. A elaboração deste material, objetiva promover o passo-a-passo para autuação eletrônica de processos administrativos, direcionados à apreciação e a realização de procedimentos burocráticos do Programa, encaminhados através da Plataforma PROTOCOLO VIRTUAL. A ferramenta encontra-se acessível na página eletrônica, onde também estão disponibilizados: um vídeo tutorial e um manual em PDF, que abordam os requisitos para utilização do sistema. Destaca-se ainda que as informações contidas neste documento foram extraídas da página oficial do Protocolo Virtual.
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    PPGI.CH: guia do aluno de mestrado em Ciências Humanas
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2023-05-30) Ferreira, Lúcia Marina Puga; Piñeiro, Shirlei Regina Vilar da Costa
    O Guia do Aluno de Mestrado em Ciências Humanas foi elaborado, a partir dos instrumentos institucionais disciplinadores, com o intuito de reunir, em apenas um documento, informações relevantes sobre o PPGICH, o curso de Mestrado em Ciências Humanas e os procedimentos que envolvem a vida acadêmica do mestrando, desde o seu ingresso até a sua titulação Adicionalmente, informações sobre os serviços e a estrutura de apoio aos alunos foram abordados como parte da estratégia de comunicação do Programa. A partir das instruções contidas neste documento, no Tutorial Autuação de Processos Administrativos via Protocolo Virtual/AM e com o apoio da Plataforma PROTOCOLO VIRTUAL do Amazonas a efetividade das ações da Coordenação e/ou Secretaria e, sobretudo o nível de transparência no fluxo dos processos administrativos serão elevados em termos percentuais. A produção deste material é parte integrante do Projeto Bolsa de Apoio Técnico IV cota PPGICH Capital, vinculado ao Programa FAPEAM POSGRAD 2021 e do Plano de Trabalho nº 002 2019 vinculado do Termo de Cooperação Técnico Científico Nº 002 2019. Guarde este Guia para consulta, pois ele desonerará o seu tempo na busca de informações e maximizará o seu proveito no curso de mestrado e na Universidade.