ENS - Escola Normal Superior

URI permanente desta comunidadehttps://ri.uea.edu.br/handle/riuea/2716


Resultados da Pesquisa

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  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Elementos da natureza como um campo de experiências matemáticas na educação infantil
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2024) Lira, Gecenilda Neves; Costa, Lucélida de Fátima Maia da; http://lattes.cnpq.br/8333907767115958; http://lattes.cnpq.br/5839241046084992; Aguiar, José Vicente de Souza; http://lattes.cnpq.br/9130080603912569; Bacury, Gerson Ribeiro; http://lattes.cnpq.br/4977144104768440; Souza, José Camilo Ramos de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1261581696808584; Oliveira, Ana Maria Libório de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/4609709219632981
    Nature is something intriguing to children's curiosity. Butterflies, ants taking food to the anthill, birds, pebbles, sand, tree leaves, and branches are elements that draw their attention. In many schools in the Amazon, it is observed that these elements are always present in games, and children express their ideas, raise hypotheses, and build their own concepts about them. The possibilities of, through interaction with these elements, being able to build situations that provide mathematical experiences for children motivated us to conduct this research whose general theme is mathematical learning in Early Childhood Education, and the object of study are the elements of nature as enhancers of this learning, which were outlined based on reflections arising from discussions held within the scope of the Study and Research Group on Mathematics Education and Technologies (Complexus). This research was developed in a municipal Early Childhood Education school, located in the city of Juruti, state of Pará, in which we had the participation of a Kindergarten II class (infantile 5), composed of twenty small children. The chosen research problem was: how can elements of nature constitute a field of mathematical experiences in Early Childhood Education? As a result, we developed the general objective of understanding how elements of nature can constitute a field of mathematical experiences in Early Childhood Education. In methodological terms, this is qualitative research carried out from the perspective of Yin (2016) and González Rey (2010), in which direct and participant observations, documentary analysis and a pedagogical workshop were used to construct data, the results of which were analyzed through triangulation. The theoretical basis that underpinned the reflections is based on the ideas of authors who discuss learning from different perspectives, such as Vygotsky (1925), Morin (2007, 2014), Ausubel (1982), Fonseca (2014, 2018), Mello (2009), Costa and Ghedin, (2022). The results obtained indicate that children's interaction with natural elements such as stones, flowers, fruits, leaves, branches, insects, etc., arouse curiosity and open cognitive possibilities for the construction of mathematical concepts related to quantities and measurements, in addition to contributing to the development of reasoning and problem-solving. Thus, it can be said that the results achieved contribute to reflections on children's learning of mathematical concepts, expanding interests, providing opportunities for interaction with different elements in order to arouse curiosity and consequently the construction of knowledge based on investigation, the creation of hypotheses and actions of testing, relating, reflecting, creating and recreating. Although it was not an explicit interest of the research, such results can also support teacher training by presenting methodological possibilities that can inspire new practices based on experiencing and exploring elements of nature as contexts for the construction of new knowledge. Keywords: Elements of Nature. Mathematical Experiments. Child education.
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    Museu da Amazônia - MUSA: contribuições na construção do saber ambiental
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2024) Barros, Alessandra Trindade Cid; Freitas, Silvia Regina Sampaio; http://lattes.cnpq.br/3278751978956966; http://lattes.cnpq.br/2315364264340108; Souza, Luciane Lopes de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/8792951478804488; Silva, Bianca Darski; http://lattes.cnpq.br/9724709323365426
    This research addresses Environmental Education (EE) in the context of the Museum of the Amazon (Musa) as an educational Non-Formal Space (NFS). The general objective is to identify the potential of Musa in the construction of Environmental Knowledge, from the perspective of a plural environmental education. To this end, the present research followed a qualitative approach to understand the perception of those who work at Musa and how this non-formal space is an important strategic resource in facing the current crisis that we are currently experiencing. The instruments that carried out this research are data collected in interviews and on-site observations, which were analyzed in the light of environmental epistemology. The study showed that the Museum of the Amazon stands out as an inspiring example of how Leff's principles of environmental knowledge can be applied in practice. By integrating science, culture, and education in a harmonious way, Musa not only broadens our understanding of the Amazon, but also invites us to rethink our role as agents of change in an ever-changing world. Key words: Environmental education; non-formal spaces; Museums; Amazon; Science Teaching.
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    Alfabetização científica em espaços não-formais: processos de metodologias ativas nos laboratórios móveis do projeto academia STEM
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2024) Santos, Ana Carolina Queiroz de Vasconcelos; Almeida, Whasgthon Aguiar de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/6766948755894257; http://lattes.cnpq.br/9040141137484996; Kalhil, Josefina Diosdada Barrera; http://lattes.cnpq.br/3175179523669781; Santos, Saulo Cézar Seiffert; http://lattes.cnpq.br/7982886390004064
    In today's rapidly advancing world, scientific literacy is more important than ever, as it enables individuals to participate in scientific discussions and debates, driving the progress and development of science and technology. From this perspective, we understand that teaching processes must be adapted to provide a better learning experience for students, through active teaching methodologies that can focus on developing skills and competencies that stimulate creativity, innovation and problemsolving. In view of this, the general aim of this research is to understand how a scientific literacy process based on Active Teaching Methodologies is developed with secondary school students in the Mobile Laboratories of the Attraction Pillar of the STEM Academy Project. To this end, this study takes a qualitative approach and is based on bibliographical research, in which we searched for books, articles, dissertations and theses on the subject in order to delve deeper into the theoretical discussions that deal with concepts related to Scientific Literacy in Non-Formal Spaces for Science Teaching and Active Teaching Methodologies. It is also a field study, in which we used participant observation, dialog groups and semi-structured interviews as research techniques. At the end of our study, we concluded that the active teaching methodologies used in educational spaces such as the STEM Academy Project's Mobile Laboratories make it possible to develop students' scientific literacy, because the structure of the Mobile Laboratories is different from conventional laboratories and provides a different kind of contact with knowledge, as well as putting them in touch with career areas considered essential in the contemporary context. Keywords: Scientific Literacy. Non-Formal Spaces. Active Methodologies. STEM Academy Project.
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    Um navegar das vidas que ensinam ciências por entre a educação do campo miúda
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2024) Azevêdo, Ana Patrícia de Souza; Costa, Mônica de Oliveira; http://lattes.cnpq.br/0219564272293424; http://lattes.cnpq.br/8489288618739249; Costa, Lucinete Gadelha da; http://lattes.cnpq.br/0865054663877935; Silva, Lêda Valéria Alves da; http://lattes.cnpq.br/8640575751576701
    This navigation has a "living" dimension, which goes beyond the biologizing contours. Thus, the objective was to problematize the constitution of a teacher who teaches science in the education of the countryside, waters and forests, considered here as capable of being described by other ways, capable of dismantling the vision of truths that fix it on an idea of totality. In this sense, the artistic movement of travel, depicted here, inspired a writing that deviates from common academic modes, by inventing a "small country education", considering other elements. This dissertation intertwines affections, unexpected encounters and the life that is in the in-between place that crosses us. By proposing this movement, I experiment with writing letters as a tool for a way of writing about oneself, a writing of oneself. This boat, which deforms in the shipyard of the "Philosophy of Difference" (Deleuze, 1995), also travels through autobiographical waters through the invention of oneself, by adopting the lines of Foucaultian thought (1992), allowing other possibilities of existence. In this teaching-navigation, we point out two categories that mobilized the invention of the self: the fixation of the teacher who teaches science in rural education, in which we are concerned with giving visibility to "truths fixed in this marked place"; "an idea of the body of the teacher who teaches science"; "different spaces", and the physical precariousness that does not prevent lives from learning; and the small rural education, in which we expand the frontiers of the geography of the totality of spaces, by looking at "a different geography"; "a smaller time". In this way, this navigation made it possible to put in constant movement the life of a teacher who teaches science, displacing the fixed ideas of teaching and rural education to a living, vibrant, becoming path, of a smaller nature. Finally, as an open river that I am, I continue navigating... being a teacher/person... who, by retelling life-teaching-education, invents possibilities by retelling herself. Life is of the order of the unpredictable. Keywords: Life; Rural Education Miúda; Teacher who teaches Sciences; Philosophy of Difference; Autobiography.
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    Os estilos de pensamento de professores que ensinam biodiversidade na reserva de desenvolvimento sustentável do Tupé
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2024) Oliveira, Fernanda Feitoza de; Forsberg, Maria Clara Silva; http://lattes.cnpq.br/2828727952044310; http://lattes.cnpq.br/9813507535652968; Oda, Welton Yudi; http://lattes.cnpq.br/2950420618885200; Ramos, Elizangela da Silva Barboza; http://lattes.cnpq.br/7512344918605070
    The general obective of this research was to characterizing the thinking styles of teachers who teach about biodiversity in the early years in schools in the Tupé Sustainable Development Reserve. The guiding question was: What are the thinking styles of early years teachers when teaching about biodiversity in the Tupé RDS? In order to achieve this general objective, others were listed, as well as to describe the potential contributions and limitations of the initial training of teachers in the early years for teaching about biodiversity in schools in the RDS of Tupé; to understand the conceptions of early years teachers regarding the biodiversity of the Tupé RDS; and to analyze possible articulations between knowledge related to biodiversity and the context in/of the Tupé RDS in science teaching for the initial years. The research was carried out in four schools in the RDS of Tupé: Escola Municipal Paulo Freire, Escola Municipal Canaã II, Escola Municipal São José I and Escola Municipal São João. Nine teachers who teach classes for the initial years of Elementary School participated in the research. The methodology adopted in the study had a qualitative approach. The empirical work consisted of carrying out semi- structured interviews, applying a questionnaire and taking notes in a field notebook. The organization of the data was prepared according to the Discursive Textual Analysis methodology of Moraes and Galiazzi (2007) and the analysis was carried out based on the epistemological perspective of Ludwik Fleck (2010). It was noted that the initial training left some gaps regarding the teaching of science and biodiversity. In the same way, continued training has focused on portuguese language and mathematics curricular components. The concept of biodiversity came from the experience of teachers in the communities of the RDS of Tupé. The concepts expressed involved the understanding of biodiversity as the diversity of life that exists both in terms of species and ecosystems. Biodiversity, for teachers, is intrinsically related to the environment. However, they know little about local biodiversity, emphasizing that their students have much more to teach them about the biodiversity of the Tupé RDS. Even in the face of this limitation, teachers, as mediators of knowledge, demonstrated an understanding of their role, with regard to biodiversity conservation. Working with activities involving care for the natural environment of communities was what stood out the most. The research results indicated the need for more targeted actions that bring schools closer to their respective communities and even continued training that addresses scientific and traditional knowledge about biodiversity. Keywords: Conception. Early Years. Pedagogy. Riverside School. Multigrade class
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    A construção de um professor em química pelo viés da arte
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2024) Bentes, Gabriel da Silva; Costa, Mônica de Oliveira; http://lattes.cnpq.br/0219564272293424; Dutra, Leandro Barreto; http://lattes.cnpq.br/8126681231349484; Cabral, Cinara Calvi Anic; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1702387634067240
    This research aims to problematize the constitution of a chemistry teacher through the perspective of art. The specific objectives are: to grasp the tools of the ethics of itself and art within the Philosophy of Difference; to narrate events in life and training that produce the chemistry teacher, highlighting the existence as a teacher through the bias of art, and finally, to discuss the modes of existence of the chemistry teacher, outlining the teacher's traits through the bias of art. The theoretical lens of the philosophy of difference is used to discuss art, philosophy and science. As a method, autobiography is chosen so that the invention of the itself can potentiate another way of existing and analyzing events in the formative life of this teacher. The dissertation is driven by some elements of a play, in which a formative life is told. The play in this work is life itself, the telling of the formative experiences of a chemistry teacher. As a result, we have outlined some possible features of a chemistry teacher's existence through the lens of art, such as the use of chaos to think about possibilities, repetition generating difference so that there are lines of escape and the way this teacher looks at science and doing science. Keywords: Philosophy of difference; Autobiography; Chemistry teacher; Art.
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    Metodologias ativas: uma proposta de componente curricular na formação inicial do professor no curso de ciências naturais
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2024) Oliveira, Gracineide Carvalho de; Rodrigues, Jorge de Menezes; http://lattes.cnpq.br/4086151519369862; http://lattes.cnpq.br/0252948211517577; Amorim Neto, Alcides de Castro; http://lattes.cnpq.br/2095519556544958; Oliveira, Lúcia Helena Soares de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/6231981711186347
    Se entiende que las nuevas tendencias educativas, sean o no tecnologías digitales, requieren cambios en la forma de enseñar, porque tanto la generación actual como la nueva aprueban y anhelan estos cambios en la forma de aprender. Frente a estos deseos, se aspira a la necesidad de repensar la acción pedagógica, observar las innovaciones y vincularlas a las prácticas docentes. El profesional docente necesita estar conectado a las nuevas necesidades educativas que surjan, manteniéndose actualizado y capacitado para satisfacerlas, contribuyendo a las aspiraciones de cambios pedagógicos en la enseñanza y el aprendizaje, por parte del estudiante y del profesional docente. En la propuesta de este proyecto de investigación, trazamos estudios que analizan y amplían las habilidades de la práctica docente en el entorno del aula o fuera de ella. El reto y objetivo de esta investigación es proponer la inclusión de la disciplina de Metodologías Activas en la Matriz Curricular del Grado en Ciencias Naturales. Para lograr este objetivo, se realizó un trabajo de campo para observar las prácticas docentes, si involucran metodologías activas, si se utilizan en el aula, cómo la recibe el estudiante y cuáles son las dificultades percibidas por los docentes al momento de utilizar sus estrategias. En este contexto, nuestra perspectiva es realizar una propuesta para la inclusión de la disciplina de Metodologías Activas en la estructura curricular de la carrera de ciencias naturales, abordando las habilidades y competencias pedagógicas necesarias para que el profesional docente pueda trabajar con metodologías activas en los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje, demostrando que estas competencias ayudan y potencian la enseñanza y el aprendizaje. Como supuestos teóricos de la investigación, se utilizaron teóricos que abordan el tema como: Zabala y Laia (2010), Masetto (2015), Souza y Léa (2004), Cohen (2017), Fachin (2003), Tébar (2012), Berbel (2012), Bacich y Moran (2018), John Dewey (2014), entre otros. Estos teóricos fueron bases literarias para abordar las técnicas, los métodos, las competencias, las habilidades y la mediación que el profesional docente necesita al trabajar con metodologías activas en el contexto escolar. PALABRAS CLAVE: Formación Docente, Mediación Docente, Metodologías Activas, Ciencias Naturales
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    The division game: integrando a tecnologia, a prática pedagógica e a biologia celular em ambiente de ensino não formal institucionalizado
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2024) Peixoto, Juliana Varsóvia Oliveira; Freitas, Silvia Regina Sampaio; http://lattes.cnpq.br/3278751978956966; Souza, Luciane Lopes de; Silva, Thayane Guedes da; Forsberg, Maria Clara da Silva; http://lattes.cnpq.br/2828727952044310; Guerra, Tânia Mara
    Didactic games and non-formal spaces can promote the understanding of science content in a constructive way, in addition to promoting students' interest in seeking knowledge through virtual environments. From this perspective, the present study investigated the potential of a digital educational game for teaching and learning cell division in a nonformal teaching environment. To achieve the proposed objectives, a qualitative crosssectional study was conducted to research opinion on the use of the digital game “The Division” as a facilitator of teaching mitosis. The results obtained in this research showed that the digital game “The Division” aroused students' interest, facilitated the understanding of the content (mitosis), and motivated students to learn. Finally, it is concluded that carrying out this study provided teachers and students with a new experience in learning cell division (mitosis) content using a didactic game in a nonformal teaching environment. Keywords: Digital Games, Science Teaching, Non-Formal Spaces, Active Methodologies.
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    Jogando com as borboletas
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2024) Cruz, Victor Manuel Marulanda; Souza, Maud Rejane de Castro e Souza; http://lattes.cnpq.br/8966791891574956; http://lattes.cnpq.br/3162022971156869; Amorim Neto, Alcides de Castro; http://lattes.cnpq.br/2095519556544958; Machado, Dinamara Pereira; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1435492124601475; Rodrigues, Jorge de Menezes; http://lattes.cnpq.br/4086151519369862
    The present work aimed to develop a teaching-learning process based on the creation of a game entitled: playing with butterflies, about the preservation and conservation of butterflies and their natural habitat. After building the game, we sent it to the experts for validation, we used the Delphi method for this, after being properly validated, we applied it with ninth grade students in Brazil and Colombia, in order to evaluate its functionality and the students' learning and interest in both countries. We used as a methodology the convergent mixed design, which is an investigation approach that combines or associates the qualitative and quantitative form. The results indicate that this approach is an effective mediator between knowledge and students. We conclude that: Playing with butterflies has great possibilities to increase the active learning of Natural Sciences in the school space, working with little explored curricular components to increase their interest and motivation in students through a playful perspective that favors and complements formal learning. Keywords: Conservetion, Game, Butterflies
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    Efeitos da utilização do modelo híbrido no ensino de matemática em turmas de ensino médio de escola pública de Manaus - AM
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2024) Pinheiro, Karoline Reis; Amorim Neto, Alcides de Castro; http://lattes.cnpq.br/2095519556544958; http://lattes.cnpq.br/7691965589365641; Rodrigues, Jorge Menezes; http://lattes.cnpq.br/4086151519369862; Souza, Jeanne Moreira de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/3452575521411050
    Teaching Mathematics has always been challenging given the history of difficulties on the part of students in understanding the discipline, being in the classroom in times of a pandemic added an extra degree to the difficulty scale, especially when, in Amazonas, it was proposed to apply hybrid teaching to students and teachers who were fully immersed in the traditional teaching model. Based on this context, this research has as main objective to analyze the impacts caused in the teaching of mathematics with the use of the hybrid model in the third grade classes of the bilingual full-time state school Professora Jacimar da Silva Gama, and for that we seek to understand how the model was applied at school; we sought information from teachers about the development of the school curriculum; data were collected showing the school's performance in mathematics, internal and external evaluations, and finally the analysis of these results to assess the effects of applying the hybrid model. In participant research, the mixed methods approach was chosen, where the collection of qualitative and quantitative data lead to a more complete understanding of the situation, through the techniques used, which were observation, application of questionnaires and analysis of documents. As a research locus we have the E.E.T.I. Professora Jacimar da Silva Gama, public school in the state located in the south zone of Manaus, which only attends high school full time. Three third grade high school classes and two Mathematics teachers at the school are characterized as research subjects. The research was carried out in three phases, firstly, participant observation was carried out where we followed the application of the hybrid model in the school, in the second phase the research instruments were applied, which were a questionnaire via google forms for the teachers and simulated ones carried out in person for the students, and the third phase in which the results of the questionnaire, the simulations and the external evaluation (SAEB) were collected for later analysis. From the analysis of the results, we could observe that the hybrid model is innovative, interesting and that it has great aggregating potential for education. Although it was used as an emergency means and proved to be a new challenge for the school community, it left teachings and doors open for a change in education, making the use of available technologies more common during classes, and allowing greater autonomy for the student in the way of studying. Keywords: Mathematics. Active Methodologies. Hybrid Teaching.