O Festejo de São Sebastião no Distrito do Caiambé: Histórias e Memórias de uma Festa Amazônica.

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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas


This research aims to verify the cultural and religious manifestation of the celebration dedicated to São Sebastião in the district of Caiambé, in Amazonas. Lusitanian action in the Amazon led to the proliferation of religious festivals around devotion to patron saints. O cultural syncretism that occurred in the Amazon region justifies the presence of a religiosity popular culture that has a close relationship between saints and the elements of nature. We use in theoretical-methodological research studies by some authors on popular religiosity and conducting interviews with residents of the Caiambé region about the festival. We found that the party mobilizes the different sectors of Caiambeense society, including commerce and profane actions consigned to dancing parties, which are constituted in its surroundings. At the festival people come together regardless of ethnicity, financial status or religion, it's a party popular that involves the community.





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