As Narrativas na Educação de jovens e adultos: o que dizem os estudantes sobre as metodologias aplicadas no 2º segmento na modalidade de educação de jovens e adultos numa escola pública do Município de Tefé?
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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas
This article has the theme “Narratives in Youth and Adult Education: what
students say about the methodologies applied in the 2nd segment in the modality of
education of young people and adults in a public school in the municipality of Tefé ”. It is a
Final Course-TCC work, which has the general objective of analyzing, through the
narratives, students' perceptions of the methodologies used in the classroom and their
contribution (or not) to meaningful learning. For the development of
research we define as qualitative procedures the qualitative approach. Some
methodological tools were necessary to carry out the research of approach
qualitative, they were: bibliographic survey, participant observation, questionnaires and
elaboration of narratives by the students, focusing on the methodologies applied in the
Youth and Adult Education modality. Thus, readings of
authors such as Freire (1996), Soares (2011), Gadotti (1996) among others, who discuss how
EJA subjects must be literate, so they can be literate and reflective citizens
in a fragmented society full of prejudices and inequality. After studies
theoretical theorists, autobiographical narratives made the student express
spontaneous and sincere way, your assessment of the teaching and learning process of this
modality, thus allowing the reflection on the pedagogical practice of the teacher, in
way that allows the student to learn in a meaningful way and motivate them not to
leave the classroom. The final results showed that the methodologies applied
by teachers, for some students they are good and for others they are not. Thus, through the
recall it was possible to perceive the contributions that these methodologies bring to these
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