Prevalênca de fatores de risco associados á prematuridade em cinco cidade do Amazonas- uma análise a partir do SINASC

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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas


Prematurity refers to the occurrence of the child's birth before reaching fetal maturity in the mother's womb. It is a public health priority because it contributes directly to the high rate of perinatal mortality and morbidity. Premature birth can be due to several circumstances, ranging from problems related to the newborn to those arising from the mother. Understanding the conditions of premature birth is fundamental for the development of effective maternal and child care actions. Inserted in this context, this work aimed to analyze the prevalence of maternal and newborn sociodemographic and biological variables in the years 2012 to 2017 in five cities in Amazonas, Brazil. This investigation is a descriptive and cross-sectional population-based study, using the information system on live births (SINASC), from the Ministry of Health, for data collection. The target population consisted of live births living in the city of Manaus, Parintins, Tabatinga, Tefé and São Gabriel da Cachoeira, the descriptive statistics comprised the calculation of prevalence and risk analysis (odds ratio = OR) and according to categories of variables selected, and the estimates of the respective confidence intervals (95% CI) analyzed using Microsoft Office Excel® 2010. The outcome of this study was the duration of pregnancy, categorized as preterm (22 to 36 weeks and 6 days) and term (37 to 41 weeks and 6 days). The variables considered included: sex of the newborn (female; male); mother's age (in years: 10 to 19; 20 to 34; 35 or more); mother's education (in years of study: none; from 1 to 7; 8 to 11; 12 or more); marital status (single; married or in a stable relationship; others); type of delivery (vaginal; cesarean); number of prenatal consultations (none; 1 to 6; 7 or more); birth weight (low weight, less than 2,500 grams; adequate weight, greater than or equal to 2,500 grams); and congenital anomalies (present; absent). The variables that presented a significant risk for prematurity were: maternal age, education and marital status, quantities of prenatal consultation, gender of the newborn and their birth weight, however such significant data are not present in all the target cities of this study . The results obtained show that the risk factors increasing for premature birth are related, socioeconomic conditions, prenatal care and low body weight of live births.





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