Violência institucional no cárcere: a realidade das detentas na penitenciária feminina de Manaus
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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas
This research deals with institutional violence suffered by women incarcerated
in the Manaus penitentiary, emphasizing the reality within the prison, supported
by research and published books on prison routine and comparative law,
mentioning cases that occurred in US penitentiaries in past decades, as well as
emphasizing mechanisms, conventions, international protocols and laws that
prohibit the mistreatment of women in custody. Then, the work addresses the
mental health of inmates, men who visit women in prison. The research cites
the case of the Prison Miguel Castro Castro, a case that occurred in Peru,
which was even denounced to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights for
violations of the human rights of incarcerated women. Finally, as well as the
human rights violated and the discussion if these rights are being respected by
the State, discussing public policies that already exist that could intervene for
the control and inspection of the violated rights.
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