Sistema de mensuração de desempenho e indicadores de produtividade do instituto de criminalistica do estado do Amazonas no auxilio do processo de tomada de decisão

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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas


Initiatives to modernize the public sector were already being observed in the 1990s, the New Public Management model was in effect, bringing strategic management tools to the public administration that were already successful in the private sector. One of these tools was the Balanced Scorecard, which defend the practice of continuous performance assessments through interconnected productivity indicators. This paper presents the research carried out to define a list of productivity indicators for the Institute of Criminalistics of Amazon. This institute is responsible for forensic science service in practically all areas of knowledge, in order to produce exempt and quality material evidence in an effort to act in favor of justice and human rights. The general objective was to propose a performance measurement system capable of assisting the decision-Making processes of managers. As a result, a bibliographic survey was carried out in the areas of Public Management, Strategy and the Organizational Performance Measurement System BSC; research cases of application of performance indicators in Institute of Criminalistics of Brazil; analyze the professional profile of the forensic scientists and managers of the Criminalistics Institute studied; understand which performance indicators are considered relevant by forensic scientists for measuring the performance of their sector and by managers for the decision-making process. The field research was carried out among the forensic scientists of the Institute of Criminalistics of Amazon and their managers in the period from 2015 to 2019, in order to verify their perceptions about current indicators and which ideals would be. Thus, through content analysis and descriptive statistics, a list of performance indicators was considered focused on the reality of the sectors from the esteemed Institute and based on the needs of managers in the decision-making process.





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