A percepção da mulher vítima de violência doméstica a respeito das medidas protetivas de urgência

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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas


Domestic violence perpetrated against women in the last two decades is no longer treated as a simple double-fight to receive a priority seat in the public security policy of the states of the Federation; especially the Federal Government. Numbers reported in public agencies, such as police stations and specialized courts in the fight against domestic violence, reveal a worrying scenario. There are surveys that use as a chronological parameter the scale of seconds to demonstrate the time in which a woman is attacked in Brazil by comrades or former comrades. Many of these women have suffered from verbal, physical, psychological, or moral aggression within their homes for a cycle of violence that most often commits with the death of the victim, whether for a futile reason, whether for free or simply because be woman. The Brazilian State was therefore urged to create a law, popularly known as the Maria da Penha Law, in order to combat one of the most degrading forms of violence: violence against women. Law 11.340 / 2006, based on gender, has among the normative provisions emergency measures of protection, one of the most important tools in favor of women in the face of domestic violence. In addition, in order to meet the objectives of this research, data collection was undertaken through semistructured interviews with victims who are assisted by the psychosocial support group of the 1 set Specialized Court to Combat Domestic Violence. The results of the study revealed that the perception of women victims of domestic violence about protective measures, about what they mean by violence and the implications of granting the precautions provided for in Maria da Penha law in favor of the victim are different, whose finding It also makes clear the need for different solutions depending on the case, the parties involved and the intrafamilial, social and affective relapses.





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