Privação de liberdade na percepção dos egressos que cumpriram medida de internação em Manaus

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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas


The Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), pointed out that the number of adolescents seized between 1996 and 2014 climbed six times, which will confirm the data shown by IPEA in 2018. It demonstrates the escalate of the crime rates and the involvement of young people in criminal offenses. During the surveys carried out by the Institute of Applied Economic Research - IPEA and IBGE in 2018 which were published by the Brazilian Yearbook of Public Safety, several relevant informations were related to the public security area, including the increasing number of adolescents complying socio-educational measurement, which according to the data presented has jumped from 4,245 in 1996 to 26,450 in 2016. The presented data indicate that these adolescents could be in compliance with any of the socio-educational measures listed in the article 112 of the Children and adolescente´s statute, and not only the measure of internment. Given these data, the objective of this research was to analyze, under the former inmates point of view, the consequences of the socioeducational measures of their internment right after leaving the socio-educational center. The evidences were collected through telephone interviews (due to the COVID-19 Pandemics), when the former inmates reported their experiences during their internment and their return to social life. In the analysis of the collected data, it was possible to identify that all of the 04 (four) interviewees were unanimous in saying that what drove them to practicing the infraction was the integration with groups where they found themselves adapted, on the other hand they said that the family was the fundamental part in their re-socialization process , both during internment and after the fulfillment of the socio-educational measure. According to the interviewees, the family was not the predominant factor for deviant behavior, but the search for recognition that made the adolescents identify themselves with some kind of group, taking them to a practice of the offense. Likewise, all adolescents demonstrated that this period of internment measurement, by itself, was not able to change their prospects for a better life, it was the family, in the case of the interviewees, that helped them in the process of re-socialization, reporting that they are following a new life, away from crime, thanks to the support they received from their families.





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