Violência escolar contra adolescentes: estudo de caso na rede pública estadual na cidade de Manaus-AM

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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas


Although it's an old phenomenon, the problem of violence permeates nowadays the most various spaces and social classes. This phenomenon has been changing significantly the coexistence in society, because it became common to hear in the media cases of violence against children and adolescents in the school environment. The violence has reached such huge proportions that became natural to common sense, as if everybody was predestinated, sooner or later, in an absolutely banal way, to be the next victim of a violence that can happen anytime and anywhere. This study investigated the various types of violence that occur in a school setting for students aged 14 to 18 and their probable reflexes in the development of the learning process, seeking to verify what measures can be taken to minimize or prevent such cases. Therefore, from a case study with two public high schools in the State of Amazonas, field research was carried out by collecting primary data through a structured questionnaire with students aged 14 to 18, enrolled in 1st to 3rd grades in high school. It was observed as a result of the research that violence permeates the school environment in several of its modalities, especially psychological violence, highlighting the intimidation and humiliation. In the form of sexual violence, sexual harassment stands out, often hidden due to fear of exposure to reprisals. It was also observed on the part of the pedagogical staff the nuances of the violence in its varied forms, among which the psychological one stands out, in the modality of intimidation, threats and humiliation. As a general rule, violence manifests itself as a kind of power over the other, and this often occurs in disguised form, symbolically, as if it did not exist.It is increasingly necessary and important to overcome the barrier of silence that surrounds cases of violence, especially against adolescents in our schools, prioritizing their rights of developing people and deserving special protection by the State and the family, offering social politics that meet their needs, development and well-being





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