Pechincha criminal: um estudo de caso da colaboração premiada dos executivos da J&F investimentos frente o novo paradigma consensual processual penal
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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas
This paper analyzes the role of award-winning collaboration in the context of criminal
organizations. The recent case of the award-winning collaboration celebrated by company
executives J&F Investimentos Joesley Batista, Wesley Batista, Francisco de Assis and Ricardo
Saud was selected as part of the operation called “Lava Jato”. Having explored the mechanism
of consensualism of the awarded collaboration, the recent survey of the legislative frameworks
in Brazil of the institute of the awarded collaboration is conducted and, in view of the request
for termination of the collaborations, the position of the magistrate and the (in) validity of the
procedural legal business are analyzed. criminal Based on the lawsuit before the Federal
Supreme Court (PET 7.003), the need for the State to maintain the legal practice of
collaboration is also analyzed. As a result of the work, in view of the attitudes of the parties
involved, it is possible to observe the accusation's intention to maintain the evidence obtained
through the collaboration, as well as the magistrate's role in adjusting the benefits offered when
assessing their effectiveness in the investigation. analysis of the merits of the case.
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