Violência juvenil: a forma como o Estado enfrenta a questão
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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas
This dissertation aims to analyze the effectiveness of the State in the implementation of public
policies to address the issue of juvenile violence, through the methodology of bibliographic
and documentary research, with an investigative bias directed to the socio-educational process
of adolescents in conflict with the law. This theme addresses the need to comply with the requirements of the Federal Constitution of 1988 and the Statute of the Child on the obligation
of the State to apply through public policies the doctrine of integral protection for children
and adolescents. To this end, reflections were made on the State's competence in the implementation of public policies aimed at the socio-education of adolescents and young people
who comply with socio-educational measures of internment, as well as the improvement of
the means for institutionalization of adolescents in the socio-educational process and the consequent rehabilitation of these actors. . The methodological approach used to help the interpretation of the diversified reflections on the concepts, theories and interpretations of the bibliographic and documentary contents used to evaluate the State's performance in promoting
actions through public policies aimed at preventing and coping with the involvement of children and adolescents in acts. Infringements were qualitative research and descriptive content
analysis. Thus, the following problem will be investigated: with the advent of the Statute of
Children and Adolescents - ECA - and the adoption of necessary public policies, what is the
State's performance in dealing with youth violence? To support the solution of the research
problem, the following guiding questions were used: How did the State receive young people
in conflict with the law at ECA? What is the duty of the state to re-educate children and adolescents in conflict with the law? How should the state approach a teenager who has committed an offense and how to re-educate him? The object of the research was built through the
following general objective: to evaluate the State's performance in addressing youth violence,
since the entry into force of Law No. 8.069 of 1990, in the socio-educational process of young
people in conflict with the law, in the city. from Manaus.
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