O sistema disciplinar interno da polícia militar do Amazonas: uma análise de eficácia

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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas


The Military Police of Amazonas as a permanent institution and state is organized based on two pillars: hierarchy and discipline. Through them the whole corporation is guided and conducts its actions. Being the discipline the instrument of people management, that conditions and imposes behaviors and values to all the members of the corporation. However, does such an instrument have effectiveness in their actions? Do the results from your processes achieve the desired effects? Thus, this study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the internal disciplinary system of the Military Police of Amazonas, through its processes and procedures of a disciplinary nature, studied within a pre-defined interstice (2014 to 2016), the productivity parameters in the disciplinary area operated by several members of the internal disciplinary system of the Military Police. It is also hoped to identify the various elements and structures that make up the internal disciplinary system and also to locate the existence of specific disciplinary cultures in the Corporation's sites. The information that supported this research was derived from the extraction and analysis of data, eminently quantitative, through the use of a mixed questionnaire, with closed and open questions, which were then duly quantified and confronted. In the end, in spite of the specific conclusions about the military police organizations participating in the research, it is concluded that the internal disciplinary system is not effective in its entirety, having structural, conceptual and outcome flaws, especially the body responsible for coordination and guidance of jobs that have negligible indices of effectiveness in their processes. However, recent process changes have sought to make adjustments in order to reduce the scenario described.





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