As redes virtuais do sistema de segurança pública e as comunidades de inteligência: uma reflexão legal
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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas
This study will contribute new information to the academic and professional
environment, systematizing a problem that has already been observed for some time
in order to seek to identify to what extent the intelligence communities can contain
violations in virtual networks of the public security system by network communities and
as has been applied Brazilian legal system before this invasion and confidentiality
breaches. This entire process of investigation will be carried out through an analysis
of exploratory, documentary and descriptive in order to verify if there are intrusions into
virtual network security system by network communities, and how the public security
system through the intelligence communities comes retaining and applying the
Brazilian legal system on these complex behaviors. The guiding questions were
detailed in detail through flexible roadmaps for guidance to managers responsible for
network security and to the Deputy Executive Secretary of Intelligence who, through
their reports about the experience on the subject, can help us to answer what gave
rise to the problem of search, if it occurs or not this violation by these network
communities the security system, if there is law to curb this violation, and intelligence
communities are prepared to stunt this behavior and carry out this control.
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