Mulher, espaço social e território: uma discussão de gênero na polícia militar do Amazonas

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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas


Aimed at a reflective process on the symbolic aspects that stigmatize perception regarding female presence in traditionally demarcated and masculinized social spaces, this dissertation analyzes the social representations of military police officers regarding the employment of women in the Military Police of the State of Amazonas-PMAM. It also studies the process of inserting women into the institution's staff police, which contributed to a debate on social diversity in domains, until then, exclusive to the male domination. It also analyzes the insertion rate of women in the Military Police of Amazonas, and, consequently, it assesses the extent to which female gender and sexual diversity in the institution have broken with the prejudiced and sexist assumptions characteristic of military institutions and/or whether this corroborated consolidate its growth. It is a reflective study of the various manifestations of power relations historically unequal conditions between men and women, which have led to the domination and discrimination of women by men and preventing the full advancement of women in command positions in the police institution. To the Women in the Amazonas military police are constant victims of numerous forms of violence, including most endemic are sexual and moral harassment, a violence that appears invisible to the eyes of police authorities. The data underlying this research were extracted from qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative methods involved initial focus group meetings and also followed by a questionnaire, since the interview has depth due to the sensitive nature of the questions raised and, therefore, included open questions with certain inferences about the types of violence recorded by the interviewed. It was revealed that all the women surveyed were victims of sexual or moral harassment. At quantitative part, the number of women in the corporation was analyzed and which of them perform operational functions and administrative. The study revealed that at least 48.9% of women, including soldiers and officers, are in administrative departments and that only 38.2% perform operational functions. The research also revealed that the The intellectual level of women is higher than that of men, with 22.4% of women having higher education complete education compared to only 9.4% of men. However, the higher (>) the level of education of the women, especially combat officers, the lower (<) their participation and presence at the top of the command of the military police or in positions of great command such as: CPE, CPM, CPI, CPAMB and others small police units. In this context, I discuss the gender issue in the Military Police of Amazonas, as well as analyzing the size and some sociodemographic characteristics of the male contingents and female members of the corporation. The data collected is compared and the acts that are possible to violate the guarantees and fundamental rights of women. This dissertation therefore reflects, based on a discussion holding of documentary and archival sources; and, in particular, the interviews carried out about the meanings and perceptions of female police work in the Military Police of Amazonas.





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