Assédio moral nas forças armadas: luta por reconhecimento e crítica social
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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas
It is questioned how moral harassment within the military camp triggers a type of conflict
whose moral grammar motivates social criticism and the struggle for recognition and justice
by those agents subjected to forms of disrespect and psychosocial suffering. From this
questioning, it is possible to understand the practices of moral harassment within the Armed
Forces and their relationship with the conflicts and strategies that social agents mobilize in the
fight against moral harassment. This is a documental research and the types of methods used
will be descriptive and qualitative studies, whose descriptive method will be worked through
bibliographic materials, scientific articles, unified jurisprudence of the Federal Regional
Courts and the implementation of the constitutional and infra-constitutional normative text, it
is also clarified that the analysis of categorical thematic content of Bardin's proposition was
used as a data analysis technique, thus, recurring themes such as moral harassment as a vector
of pathology, annulment of administrative act and compensation for morals are grouped into
categories to provide greater clarity in the assessment of the collected data. Among the results
obtained, it is important to point out that the denunciation against the harassment usually
occurs in an indirect manner in the technical defense of part of the occurrence, investigation
or military police investigation in which the harassed person responds due to unjust and
excessive infractions that are imputed to them. It was found that the main behaviors
recognized as moral harassment within the Armed Forces are linked to the abuse of power of
the hierarchical superior of the harassed, who uses his privileged position not only to commit
repeated acts of persecution and humiliation, but also uses his hierarchy to prevent access to
some rights. Finally, it is considered that moral harassment as a form of denial of recognition
disregards the moral obligation that should guide moral relations, causing suffering and
shaking the self-relationships necessary for the construction and affirmation of the individual.
Thus, moral harassment reveals itself as a gradual process of depersonalization of the victim,
causing the coisification of the worker or military, whose social exclusion leads to the
exclusion of the subject.
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