Análise das despesas orçamentárias realizadas pelos estados da Amazônia Ocidental na prevenção e controle da violência
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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas
This dissertation aimed to analyze the variation of budgetary expenditure incurred by the
Governments of the western Amazon in the prevention and control of violence and crime,
between the years 2004 and 2013, compared perspective between the functions of the Public
Security, Justice (including Essential to Justice), Rights of Citizenship (incarceration),
Education, Social and Health Care. It discusses, in historical perspective, the theoretical
foundations of violence and crime as phenomena present in the past, in modernity and in
contemporary times, and presents an overview of the evolution and intensification of control
of these phenomena on social and institutional perspectives to mitigate risks to society. , To
analyze the political and administrative perspective, the evolution of budgetary expenditure
incurred by the Governments of the States studied in government functions of criminal
control: Public Security, Justice, Rights of Citizenship and violence prevention: Education,
Social Assistance and Health Care. Considering the limitations of the research, it was
identified in the study repetition, the long term expenses cycles with violence and crime with
emphasis in the areas of deterring crime: Public Security, Justice and Rights of Citizenship in
relation expenditure on social policies in the areas of Education and Social Assistance.
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