Atuação da inteligência estadual: contribuições para o sistema de segurança pública do Amazonas

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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas


Intelligence Activity consists in the Data Collection and Analysis cycle through a specific methodology, able to provide qualified advice for the decision-making process of a given organization. With historical roots in Military Operations, Intelligence Activity is currently used as a strategic tool in a variety of structures, from the higher level government, such as State Intelligence agencies, like the AgênciaBrasileira de Inteligência, as well as in private business, developing the Competitive Intelligence. Therefore, from the beginning of the XXI century, various intelligence agencies focused on the area of Public Security, has been created in Brazil, with the goal of supporting managers of several institutions of that area, such as Security Secretariats, Commanders of the Military Police and General Delegate of the Civil Police. In Amazonas, the Public Security System was also redesigned, culminating in the creation, in 2007, of the Sistema Integrado de Inteligência de SegurançaPública do Amazonas, that has the SecretariaExecutivaAdjunta de Inteligência as central organ. Analyze the deployment process of this system, as well as the contributions to the Amazonas Public Safety System is the main objective of this research.





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