Criminalidade, Prevenção e Controle: o papel do Centro Integrado de Operações de Segurança – CIOPS na Política de Segurança Pública do Estado do Amazonas
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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas
The aim of this reseach is to study the role of the Integrated Operations Center
Security - CIOPS, control and prevention of crime in Manaus, AM- Brazil. For both,
the bibliographical survey sought the theoretical framework available on the subject,
placing public safety in the Brazilian historical context, dialoguing about trends,
contemporary strategies for prevention and control of crime. For both, the
bibliographical survey sought the theoretical framework available on the subject,
placing public safety in the Brazilian historical context, dialoguing with authors about
trends, contemporary strategies for prevention and control of crime. As well as the
embryonic model of command and control in Brazil, from its origin to the present
day, at which time appears as a new model of operational dynamics in the Brazilian
public security, with direct consequences in the state of Amazonas. We attempted
to discuss the Integrated Operations Center Security, checking their operational
dynamics, technology tools currently in use, level of integration between the security
agencies operating there, checking their contribution to the control and prevention
of crime in Manaus. It was also held exploratory research into database CIOPS
concerning emergency calls for service during the period 2009-2013, analyzing the
procedures in meeting the emergency calls and attendance of events generated.
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