Análise da influência do tráfico de drogas nos homicídios dolosos em Manaus
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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas
The “Analysis of the drug traffic influence over the homicides in Manaus” consists in
a study proposal that intends generally to analyze the possible relations between the
drug Market and the lethal violence in local scenery. To reach this goal, it was
necessary to comprehend the peculiarities of the drug traffic in the region and also
the dynamics of the criminal network that prevail in the city. Empirically, to verify the
possible relation between drugs and violent deaths in Manaus, police Inquiries of the
Homicide and Kidnaping Special Police Department that investigate the murders in
2013 were analyzed. The methodology used consisted in a vast bibliographic
revision, in a study of legal procedures established to disfavor the criminal, local,
faction members and the collect and analyses of the data over homicides in Manaus.
The study conclusion reveal the existence of a complex criminal network at work in
the State, with the direct incidence on the region’s homicides, since 40% of the l
investigative reports indicate the involvement of the parties with drug traffic. Of this
total the main victims are male (97%) and young people between 14 and 34 years of
age. The study also concluded that the quantity of apprehension by drug traffic have
influenced the homicide rate between 2007 to 2013.
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