Policial bom é policial vivo: um diagnóstico em saúde do trabalhador na polícia civil do Amazonas

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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas


The police profession is one of the most strenuous, causing a huge burden of disease, with physical and psychological consequences. The objective of the study was to understand the main causes of disease that cause absenteeism of police officers of the Amazon and its possible relations with the working conditions, through the Permits Health Care, between January and December 2012. The diseases classified form into three major subgroups of group 22 and diseases conforms proposed by Murray and Lopes disease burden studies. The results show that the three main groups of diseases in the studied population, representing almost 40% of all diseases recorded were: psychiatric disorders (14.4%), musculoskeletal diseases (13.5%) and cardiovascular disease (10 , 3%). Regarding psychiatric illnesses women had rates 100% higher than that of men. Servers with over 15 years of service had an incidence higher rates. Delegates had higher and statistically significant rates compared to the researchers. Among the psychiatric, major illness was depression, with 30.8% of cases, followed by post-traumatic stress disorder, panic disorder and bipolar disorder. In musculoskeletal diseases: sex, position and length of service, also showed similar effects. These were statistically significant only for professionals with less than five years of service. In relation to musculoskeletal disorders noteworthy LBP representing almost 40% of all cases. Among cardiovascular diseases observed lower rates between the upper reaches of servers. The higher the age and length of service, the greater the chance of occurrence of cardiovascular diseases. Hypertensive disease was more prevalent among cardiovascular diseases, with 43% of cases. The survey results point to the need for expansion and stock offerings aimed at comprehensive care in health police server to ensure a better quality of life.





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