Mestrado profissional em segurança pública, cidadania e direitos humanos da universidade do estado do Amazonas uma análise documental das dissertações e do perfil de seu autores no período de 2014 a 2021

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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas


After more than eleven years since the creation of the Professional Master's Degree in Public Security, Citizenship and Human Rights at the State University of Amazonas (MPSP/UEA), it is necessary to look into what has been produced in the academic field and who carried it out. Professional Masters in Public Security provide professionals with advanced knowledge and skills in the subject, allowing them to develop effective strategies to combat crime and violence. When you think about public safety in our local context, what has been developed? In this sense, considering the knowledge produced in the dissertations of this period, we asked the following guiding research questions: what themes were (mostly) covered in the dissertations produced at the MPSP/UEA in the period from 2014 to 2021? What is the academic and professional profile of the authors of these dissertations? To this end, documentary analysis was used on dissertations, regulatory standards and studies on postgraduate studies in Brazil, until reaching the MPSP/UEA, data and studies on topics such as public security, citizenship, human rights and the most treated in dissertations in addition to professional and academic information banks. Pierre Bourdie's concepts such as field theory, habitus, capital, violence and symbolic power were adopted as a theoretical basis. Document ethnography was used to carry out analyzes of the intersections between academic and professional fields, with an emphasis on dissertations on the most discussed topic in the period: violence. The collected data was treated using the quantitative-quali approach, analyzing them from a statistical aspect and from the perspective of Bourdosian concepts. These are some of the results of the work: the topics most discussed in the dissertations during the period of analysis are violence, police activity, gender and public policies; the most adopted scope of coverage was municipal, with emphasis on Manaus/AM; most dissertations do not present products; most authors are public servants or lawyers; most authors are men; the body in which the most authors work is the Civil Police of the State of Amazonas; the role most performed is that of a police officer; regarding the time to obtain the degree, the average is two years, five months and eleven days; regarding the academic trajectory of the authors, the area and type of institution that most authors studied as undergraduates was Law, in Public Higher Education Institutions in Manaus; most authors did not pursue a doctorate; Of those who followed, the path Law > MPSP/UEA > Law (undergraduate > master's > doctorate) was the most followed. From the profile and analyzes presented on the dissertations and their authors, it is concluded that the MPSP/UEA effectively fulfills its academic and professional function; This is highlighted in the data on the consonance between the desired profile and the real profile of the students, in addition to the conclusion that the majority of research is carried out directly in the authors' professional field of activity. The MPSP/UEA proves to be a means of scientific production capable of, through those who use it, bringing solutions to old and new problems, in times when technology makes changes (in all fields) daily. To this end, constant self-assessment, a proposal that is expected to have advanced





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