Condições de segurança para o uso recreativo dos modais não motorizados sobre roda de propulsão humana (CICLOPH) nas vias urbanas do município de Manaus-AM

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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas


This research will question the safety conditions for the recreational use of non-motorized vehicles on human propelled wheels (CICLOPH) on urban roads in the city of Manaus. It is important to highlight, still regarding the question, that the discussion on the topic is recent and the concepts are still in the debate phase and without crystallized definitions. To this end, this research suggests in a didactic way the use of the acronym “CICLOPH”. The formulation of this acronym CICLOPH will constitute a normative proposal (preparation of the Bill for this research) to establish the broadest concept that can encompass all non-motorized modes on a human-powered wheel.





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