Monoparentalidade feminina: perfil socioeconômico das mulheres amazonenses
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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas
Female single parenthood is a complex, multifactorial social phenomenon and constitutionally
recognized as a type of family arrangement. The reality of these families presents a social
fragility, since these household arrangements are more vulnerable, as they have lower income
and a greater burden of chores. This situation can be aggravated by the location where these
women live, since Brazil, being a country with great social and regional inequalities, has severe
consequences on the citizenship rights of these female populations. Given this, the objective of
this study is to analyze female single parenthood in Amazonas, focusing on socioeconomic and
demographic conditions. This is a descriptive quantitative research. To relate female single
parenthood in the state in order to demonstrate the conditions of these families, an analysis of
data from the 1991, 2000, 2010 Demographic Censuses was carried out. The results show that
female single parenthood increased by around 31% in Brazil between the 2000 Censuses. ,2010.
The North Region had the highest percentage growth in this type of arrangement (45.1%) in the
decade analyzed. In Manaus, around 65% of single-parent female households have a monthly
per capita income of less than 1 minimum wage. The 20 historically poorest neighborhoods in
the capital, most of them located in the East Zone, contain the largest number of female single parent households. Finally, this research made it possible to highlight that female single
parenthood in Amazonas is accompanied by a high rate of poverty, compared to other regions
of the country; as women face significant challenges that go beyond income. These challenges
include combating gender inequality, the stigma of patriarchy, the rise of women, access to
public policies and combating discrimination suffered. It is important that both society and
public authorities see, welcome and support these women to overcome these obstacles and
provide a better future for their families. In this way, we sought to demonstrate the need for
public policies that can reduce the vulnerability of these families and promote female
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