Juventude, políticas públicas e cidadania de jovens: o programa nacional de inclusão de jovens (Projovem urbano) em Manaus na visão dos seus educadores.

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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas


The Projovem Urban aims to be a vehicle of citizenship and social inclusion of young people. This study aimed to understand the role of the teacher in the Projovem Urban, and possible contributions to the realization of the three dimensions proposed by the program: education, professional training and citizenship. Seeking to analyze how this process takes shape in practice, we were selected as a case study two participating schools Projovem Urban in Manaus - AM. The research sought to identify the perception of educators in relation to experiences on the program and how they understand the Projovem Urban, the young, the role of educator, social inclusion and the problems affecting this public policy. From a theoretical point of view, it addressed the concepts of public policy, youth, public policies for youth and youth leadership. the program of official documents to understand how this policy and their strategies were analyzed. For the empirical study, we chose to use the qualitative research method. As data collection instrument was used semistructured interview. Interviews were conducted with program coordinators, and teachers of two selected schools. The interview coordinators and selected teachers gave accessibility and willingness to participate. As a result, were identified in the reports of the coordinators and teachers the importance of Projovem Urban for the social inclusion of young people, the positiveness of its integrated curriculum, difficulties and persistence of the students to continue the program. The criticisms and opinions of dissatisfaction coordinators and teachers for the implementation of Projovem Urban, focused more on the facilities granted to young people for approval, the discouragement of students and the intense evasion. The survey results also indicated that due to the high dropout rates, the program can no longer be continued. The findings indicate that the coordinators and teachers see the Projovem Urban as a strong instrument of social inclusion, but that their perceptions are linked to the success or failure of the young end or not the program. Moreover, although the Urban Projovem present as a different program, the treatment of teachers to fulfill their tasks is not consistent with what it describes its official draft.





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