A criminalidade em Manaus: um estudo segundo os casos de prisão em flagrante, no período de 2014-2015
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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas
The general objective of this study was to analyze the crime in the city of Manaus,
through a qualitative and quantitative research. Therefore, the following specific
objectives have been built: contextualize the problem of crime in Manaus, situating it
within a national context; identify criminal types of higher recurrence, present in cases
of arrest in flagrant delicto, tilled in flagrant bases of the Civil Police of Amazon, in
Manaus, in the period 2014 - 2015; and analyze crime in Manaus, presenting an
overview for the years 2014 and 2015, through arrests in flagrante delicto. In tangent
to methodology, the survey was processed qualitatively and quantitatively, as the data
in a deductive analysis. The main database were the reports of the Department of
Police Enforcement, of the Civil Amazon Police and SISP, Public Security System
Information, used by the civil police for registration of police occurrences. The data
were grouped by Integrated Police District – IPD, by district of Manaus and finally, the
data were grouped, forming a basis for Manaus. As a result, among other things, the
data showed that crime in Manaus has high numbers of trafficking offenses and theft,
added to others reflect the uncertainty perceived by the Manauara population.
However, among the many observed crimes, few have a significant percentage of
arrests. During the research a major difficulty was the formation of the data list due to
lack of standardization of the information contained in the reports of the Department of
Police Activities of the Civil Police of Amazonas. In conclusion, can be said that exist
a few criminal types with high incidence in the Amazon capital, but they are present in
all areas. However, the need for investment in the public safety field is large and cannot
be limited to purchase of vehicles and personnel hiring. Investing in research is a
constant need, especially for the improvement of practices and the introduction of new
public policies to face the increase and proliferation of criminal practice.
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