As condições de saúde das gestantes e puérperas no sistema prisional na cidade de Manaus/AM
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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas
This research has the objective of presenting the health of pregnant and postpartum
women in the city of Manaus / AM, from data provided by the Department of
Penitentiary Administration - SEAP and interviews voided in the field. With specific
objectives, characterize the profile of pregnant women and mothers who are
incarcerated; Knowing what are the health services offered to these women; Punctuate
the factors surrounding the reality of women pregnant and postpartum women; Identify
the social issues involving relations for the pre-natal, delivery, post - partum and finally
the separation between mother and children. The study was conducted from desk
research and field analysis of information collected in the Amazon Provisional
Detention Center, where they concentrate pregnant women and mothers of the state,
as this is the only penal establishment to possess. The results show that pregnant and
postpartum women prisoners are susceptible to psychological risks, Sexually
Transmitted Diseases among others, because it lacks medical and psychological care
as well, campaigns on the risks and prevention of disease and the absence of a pre
natal according to the recommendations of the Ministry of Health.
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