Proposta de precificação das águas subterrâneas para o uso do polo industrial de Manaus (PIM)
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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas
The State of Amazonas, in accordance with federal legislation, presents in its State Policy for
Water Resources (PERH/AM) the use of raw water, recognizing it as an economic good and
contributing to its conscious use. With the installation of the Manaus Free Trade Zone (ZFM),
they have greatly affected the quantitative and qualitative water availability of the surface and
underground waters of the city of Manaus. The urban pollution of streams through domestic
waste and the dilution of treated industrial effluent, as well as the overexploitation of aquifers,
which have declined over the last 50 years and, consequently, has seriously compromised the
underground resource of this site, causing an imbalance in the balance between the inputs of
water in the aquifer (recharge) and the outlets (extraction). In view of this, there is a need for
the rational use of waters under state control, with the implementation of administrative,
technical and legal regulations in search of management and sustainability of water resources,
by those who exercise their legal domain, their users, especially the industrial sector. It is in
this context, and in view of its complexity, that this work elaborated a proposal for
Groundwater Pricing for the Use of the Industrial Pole of Manaus (PIM) organized in
technical criteria based on the volume of water withdrawn and launched in a certain period by
its (PPU1-captured and PPU2-dilution), with eleven technical weighting coefficients for
capturing and launching effluent, with seven for abstraction: K1 (User type); K2 (Type of use);
K3 (Type of source); K4 (Characteristic of the aquifer); K5 (Exploitable reserve); K6 (Class)
and K7 (Rainy Seasonality and Density) and four: K1 (User type); K7 (Seasonality-Rainfall and
Density); K8 (BOD Efficiency) and K9 (Receiver Body Class). The coefficients are associated
to external factors (physical conditions of the region, purpose of use, users and others), and
together they made it possible to construct a draft regulation for the regulation of the use of
the industrial sector of Manaus, to be submitted to the analysis of the Council State of Water
Resources of the Amazon (CERH/AM).
SANTOS, Izaías Nascimento dos. Proposta de precificação das águas subterrâneas para o uso do polo industrial de Manaus (PIM). 2018, 164 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Gestão e Regulação de Recursos Hídricos - PROFÁGUA) - Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, Manaus, 2018.
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