Proposta de tambor séptico biodigestor para Várzea Amazônica e sua contribuição para o tratamento de esgoto na conservação dos recursos hídricos
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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas
Domestic sewage is the main contributor to the contamination of surface and
groundwater, directly affecting the quality of life of the populations and causing the
spread of diseases. In rural areas, one of the major challenges is the scarcity of
low/cost technologies that can replace rudimentary blackwater systems and even
direct landfills. The objective of this study was to propose a compact single - family
sewage treatment system, using an alternative biofilter, appropriate to the different
types of Amazonian contexts (full and empty) and demonstrate its importance for the
conservation of water resources. In order to reach these objectives, a traditional
Amazonian community was initially characterized geographically. In the sequence, an
alternative system was constructed and implemented in this community with easyaccess
materials and with a bio-filter of acai seeds. To verify its efficiency, analyzes of
physicochemical parameters were performed. It was also presented an estimate of the
contribution of organic load that the rural population of the northern region launches
without treatment directly in the soil and/or springs. Location maps, density, and areas
subject to the seasonal flooding of the Nossa Senhora de Fátima do Jandira, Iranduba
- AM community were made. The prototype called Biodigester Septic Drum - BSD,
which uses açaí seeds as filter media, showed a proven efficiency of removal of
pollutants. And the estimates presented show that to achieve universalisation in
sanitation it is necessary to reach rural households. The research contribute directly
and/or indirectly to the integrated management of sanitation and water resources,
providing a tool that contributes to the conservation and preservation of streams, rivers,
lakes and lagoons, with the capacity to become public policy in areas of Amazonian
SARRI, Rodrigo Ferreira. Proposta de tambor séptico biodigestor para Várzea Amazônica e sua contribuição para o tratamento de esgoto na conservação dos recursos hídricos. Manaus, 2018. Dissertação ( Mestrado em Gestão e Regulação de Recursos Hídricos - PROFÁGUA) - Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, Manaus, 2018.
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