Diagnóstico da qualidade das águas do igarapé do Mindu e criação de protótipo de aplicativo para disponibilização de dados em Manaus - Am

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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas


In the last years it has been notorious and recurrent how much processes of contamination and contamination have degraded the receiving water bodies of the urban zone of the city of Manaus-AM. The object of this study is the Igarapé do Mindu, which cuts the city in its more than 22 km of length, traveling throughout the urban area and intersecting through the main districts of the city until it empties into the Rio Negro. In this scenario it is verified the importance of the monitoring of water quality for mitigation and diagnosis of the present situation. It is also essential to have mechanisms to make this data available so that effective management actions can be directed. Thus, it is presented in this dissertation the development of a prototype of mobile application whose main function is the articulation between the data that are generated in the monitoring of water quality and the availability of this data for water resource managers, whether state secretaries of the environment or municipal water companies, public sanitation companies, basin committees and established water agencies, or the availability of this information to users of water resources in the city of Manaus-AM and to the general public. The format of the software chosen was through the elaboration of a mobile application built with Web App features, that is, it has a website and application interface at the same time. The android platform was chosen for presenting a range of intuitive application creation features and having the most users of the operating system installed on their smartphones. The work of collecting samples and surveying the physical-chemical and nutritional aspects of the waters was carried out every three months, in a period of one year, with sampling points located in the upper, middle and lower reaches of the Mindu Igarapé, according to seasonal periods dry and full of water. The analyzes were performed with field and laboratory equipment. The following parameters were analyzed; pH, electrical conductivity, dissolved oxygen, total dissolved solids, chemical oxygen demand, temperature, sulfides, turbidity, ammoniacal nitrogen and total phosphate. The results, except for the waters near the springs that have preserved natural characteristics, indicated that the igarapé presents strong antropic influence with modifications of its natural characteristics, with several sections in recent silting, removal of its riparian forests, disposition of domestic and industrial effluents in the water, a large amount of solid residues, in addition to presenting changes in its physical and chemical characteristics with strong odor, brown-green coloration of the waters, pH with basic values, being its natural characteristic to present acid, high electrical conductivity and dissolved total solids , evidence of recent contamination by sewers with concentrations above the limit for ammoniacal nitrogen, sulfides and total phosphate. These data generated during the study period were plotted in graphs and detailed in figures and explanatory texts about the diagnosis of the Mindu igarapé in the mobile application prototype that was named "Qualimindu". In this application, water quality data from the igarapé are collected, which can represent subsidies for water resource managers and inform the general public about the water resources of the city of Manaus-AM.





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