A Construção de representações discursivas em publicidades turísticas sobre o Estado do Amazonas

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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas


ABSTRACT The research was developed in an interdisciplinary way with the help of Theories such as Critical Discourse Analysis (FAIRCLOUGH, 2001; 2003), Multimodality Theory (KRESS; van LEEUWEN, 1996; van LEEUWEN, 2008), correlated with Theories on Culture, Identity, Branding and Tourism. The general objective of the research was to analyze how the discursive representations in tourist publicity about Amazonas are constituted and materialized in the social and discursive practices, as well as what linguistic and discursive elements are used by the producers of the texts, that can be constituted in the naturalization and the perpetuation of certain discursive cuts. For this, the corpus is constituted of tourist publicity produced and transmitted in the sites of the Ministry of Tourism and of Amazonastur, by local travel agencies and by airline, analyzing also which aspects are privileged in the construction of the tourist image of Amazonas and which social actors are more evident. It was noticed that the Ministry of Tourism, Amazonastur, the local tourist agencies and the Airline are ally discursively, verbally and visually when constructing discourses in their majority directed to the exaltation of the natural wealth of Amazonas. In addition, the recurrent social actors are the forest, the rivers and the animals of the region. Thus, a discourse that tries to be differentiated only reinforces an idyllic and exotic character that contributes to constructing recurrent representations from the time of discovery, when the naturalistic aspect of Brazil was the main motto to attract pioneers to spaces to be explored. As one of the possible proposals, this research suggests the creation of a brand that adds all the elements representative of the Amazon that can serve as a reference and, at the same time, with a differential of a region that stands out not only for its nature, but for preservation. Keywords: Discourse. Tourism advertising. Amazonas. Representation. Branding.





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