O vício do seu final de semana: uma etnografia do programa escolar de rádio Club Five em Tefé (AM)
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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas
This research had the support of the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Amazonas– FAPEAM in her the radio is understood as a platform of knowledge and not just a didactic- pedagogical tool for the development of specific skills such as reading, speaking and writing. The study aimed to analyze the effects of the learning processes on the intellectual, social and professional development of the five former members of the school radio program “Club Five”, broadcast from 2015 to 2016 in Tefé, Amazonas. At the time, the members were high school students. For this goal, it was first sought to understand the relationship between radio and education, and after that to identify the learning processes developed in the previous mentioned program. The next step was to assess what effects these processes have on the intellectual, social and professional development of each of the former members of the program. As main references, we turn to Amarante (2012); Assumpção (2008); Baltar (2009);Brandão (2013); Castells (2019); Chalmers (1993); Consani (2019); Cotrim (1982); Cruz(2020); DaMatta (2019); Freire (1977, 1987, 2013); Kaplún (2014); Malinowski (2018);Morin (2015); Orlandi (2020); Spivak (2010); Soares (2000, 2014); Tax (2019); Thompson(1992); Travancas (2011); Velho (2019) among many others. With a qualitative approach and an ethnographic method based on the anthropology of action, the procedures developed for data collection were bibliographic and field research as well as interviews. After the data was analyzed, from an educommunication perspective, it was possible to conceive the radio as a platform of knowledge and not just a didactic-pedagogical tool, capable of awakening identities, developing intellectual learning for practical experience in society. It was also concluded that in what regards to gender communication, there is a disparity in the participation of women in the media in relation to men, and that schools have a fundamental role in the awakening for this reality and they are suitable spaces to change this reality. The studies confirm that there was theoretical and practical literacy about radio; the research subjects perceived themselves as gender communicators; they became capable and responsible; they developed a critical sense of the media; they took hold of the radio media language; they improved their expressive abilities and strengthened their self-esteem and self- confidence; they acquired maturity and skills that contributed to their intellectual development the results of which are applied in their social and professional experiences; they stoppedbeing subordinated women to become beings of existence, thus emerging their identities.
CAMPELO, Welner Fernandes. O vício do seu final de semana: uma etnografia do programa escolar de rádio Club Five em Tefé (AM). 2022. Dissertação (Programa de Pós-Graduação Interdisciplinar em Ciências Humanas, PPGICH). Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, Manaus, 2022.