Comunidades tradicionais em Parintins-AM: dinâmicas organizacionais em Nossa Senhora de Nazaré, Região do Zé Açu

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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas


This dissertation aims to analyze the organizational dynamics in the Nossa Senhora de Nazaré do Zé Açu community, Parintins / AM, in its environmental, social, political, economic and cultural dimensions. The Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights, proclaimed in 2003 by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization - UNESCO promulgates in Art. 12 the “Respect for cultural diversity and pluralism”; and in Art. 17 the “Protection of the environment, the biosphere and biodiversity” strengthening the debates on the importance of environmental conservation for traditional peoples and communities. The Amazon is a reference in the struggles for non-environmental degradation. As it is an extensive region with a rich cultural diversity, research in different areas, especially in the social sciences, is necessary, as it makes it possible to highlight the peculiarities and particularities that surround it. The interest in the theme arose from works carried out with the Incubator Amazonas Indígena Criativa-AmIC, in the period from 2015 to 2017. AmIC is a project of the Federal University of Amazonas, Parintins campus. Community of Nossa Senhora de Nazaré do Zé Açu, locus of the study. For this purpose, the research had as guiding questions and bases the following problematizations: how is the community structured in its social, cultural and environmental dynamics in the current context? What are the community's socio-political organization strategies in the midst of developmentalist discourses and practices? What are the community's actions regarding the future? An interdisciplinary approach, the approach adopted for the study was through qualitative research, reporting on the facts and perceptions of the subjects regarding life in community and its socio-political organization, considering culture and the environment. The method used is the Case Study, according to Yin (2005). There are several traditional communities in the Amazon, in the municipality of Parintins there are 185, the case study in this sense has the Nossa Senhora de Nazaré Community as the unit of analysis, configuring itself as a single case project. To design the study, bibliographic, documentary and field research were used. Field analysis became viable through photographic records, semi-structured interviews, observation and a focus group. The methodological steps were of great relevance for the development of the research and its reflections. The results of the research made it possible to perceive the resistance of the Nossa Senhora de Nazaré community, which, even in the midst of developmental and capitalist projects imposed by the current economic system, creates strategies of socio-political organization, claiming the implementation of public socio-environmental policies that can supply the needs of the peoples. and traditional communities in the region, considering their particularities, to guarantee their rights, from the basics (water, health, education, assistance) to those with better working and income conditions and environmental conservation.





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