Direito, poder e controle social entre os povos Ticuna: um estudo sobre Segurança Comunitária Umariaçú (SEGCUM) na tríplice fronteira Brasil, Colômbia e Peru

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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas


The study aims to understand how the systems of punishment and social control among the Ticuna indigenous people are organized, based on the creation of the community guard in response to conflict resolution and the absence of public security on the triple border between Brazil, Colombia and Peru. The theoretical foundation was anchored in Oliveira Filho (1978), Barth (2005), Boaventura Santos (2013) and Beviláqua (1916), among others. The methodological path was based on a qualitative approach, using the techniques of bibliographic research, participant observation and interviews. The results indicate the need for the Brazilian State to consider legal pluralism in view of the construction of policies for public security and the particularities of the reality of indigenous peoples regarding the resolution of conflicts and the maintenance of their ways of life in the community.





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