Os conhecimentos tradicionais nas práticas de manejo de pirarucu (arapaima gigas) no Médio Solimões, Amazonas
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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas
This research analyzed the epistemological bases of pirarucu management, seeking to
identify the traditional knowledge present, and investigating the extent to which these
knowledge were scientifically recognized and subsidized the normative and management
practices in force. In this sense, the course involved the description of traditional knowledge
in the pirarucu fishery - in which the learning process in the fishery was evidenced, discussing
the knowledge, practices and skills of a pirarucu fisherman. Followed by the description of
the management practices, using as reference the management practices observed in the
fishery agreement of the Paraná do Jacaré lakes complex; Finally, the social representations of
pirarucu management, based on the analysis of norms and scientific publications, verifying
the occurrence or not of references to the traditional knowledge, and also evidencing the
perceptions of fishermen, technicians and environmental analysts on the management. The
research is based on a qualitative approach, using methodological procedures such as
bibliographic research; documentary research; interviews; and case study with participant
observation, which subsidized the description and analysis of the pirarucu management stages
that includes: mobilization and social organization, zoning of the fishing territory; the
protection of the area; the survey of the pirarucu stock; fishing; monitoring production;
marketing and evaluation of activities.