O lugar da poesia de violeta branca na produção literária amazonense do século XX

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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas


Amazonian literature has a vast and significant literary production. Despite this, the lack of dissemination, appreciation and the few writings about it make the literature appears in a timid or even unknown way both on the national and regional scene. The most prominent works are those written by men. And the women, who also contributed to the this significant production construction are silenced and often forgotten in the literary world. In this sense, this study aims to investigate Violeta Branca’s life and literary production, her place as an author in the mid-20th century Amazonas context, considering gender and identity issues and highlighting the her writings pioneering. For this, specifically, we observed Violeta Branca's life trajectory and her insertion in Amazonian poetry, we studied the issues of gender, identity and female authorship in the author's poems and we discussed her poetry through her memories produced in her poetic maturity. As theoretical foundation, we used Bourdieu (2002), Woolf (2014), Spivak (2010), Soihet (2004), Telles and Krüger (2006), Souza (2010), Schmidt (2009), Silva (2010), Moraes (2001), Viana (1995), Bachelard (1994) among other authors. In addition to these, we used the following Violeta Branca’s works: Ritmos de inquieta alegria/ Rhythm of restless joy (2014), Reencontro: poemas de ontem e de hoje/ Reencounter: poems from yesterday and today (1982), Concerto a quatro mãos/ Four hands concert (1981), and sources from the digital library available on the internet, as a contribution to the theoretical support for the research. In this study, we point out Violeta Branca Menescal de Vasconcellos as the precursor of female poetry produced in Amazonas in the 1930s and the first woman to join the Academia Amazonense de Letras, in 1937. From this study, it is possible to know literature through the eyes of a woman who faced the prejudice of her time and wrote her name in the literary history of Amazonas, breaking paradigms at a time when regional Literature was taking its first steps in the construction of its literary identity and in a predominantly male context.





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