Memória histórica, visual e paisagística do bairro Educandos (Manaus/AM)

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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas


This research is dedicated to demonstrate the correlation between Memory, History and Landscape on the urban space that surrounds the Educandos neighborhood, Manaus/AM. Disserting how these elements can materialize in the landscapes that surround the neighborhood, using iconographic survey as part of the analysis of these landscapes. The central idea permeates in considering Educandos a silenced, forgotten neighborhood, through an analysis of its river shore. Next, an analysis is made of memory and historical survey to understand what history shows us about the urbanization process of Manaus, and about what historical context the Educandos neighborhood emerged and developed. The landscape is also a constituent element of the theoretical approach of analysis of this dissertation, which seeks to understand about concepts and how landscapes are understood as a scenario and stage for the events of a society, in which it is felt and interpreted according to the point of view of the observer, and how literature appears as a methodological tool to understand the landscape of the city of Manaus. The work ends by identifying, through interviews according to the method of oral history, the places of memory according to the old residents of the neighborhood, from the perspective of those who lived. These places reside only in their memories, and which can be considered as cultural heritage silenced by the cultural history of Manaus/AM. Understanding Educandos as a neighborhood of historical, social and cultural value for the city of Manaus, which can be considered a silenced landscape, as well older and away neighborhoods from the center suffered from the inequalities that we find in the history of Manaus.



SOUTO, Calina Ramos de Brito. Memória histórica, visual e paisagística do bairro Educandos (Manaus/AM). 2022. Dissertação (Programa de Pós-Graduação Interdisciplinar em Ciências Humanas, PPGICH). Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, Manaus, 2022.



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