A educação de jovens e adultos na rede pública de Ensino no município de Tefé/Am: um estudo de caso sobre a participação das mulheres
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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas
The main purpose of this dissertation is to analyze the social construction of Youth and Adult
Education (YAE) in Tefé and the participation of women in this public policy. It is a quantitative
research, of the case study type, with the participation of the municipal and state EJA education
network in the municipality of Tefé, Amazonas. As collaborators we counted with the
representation of coordinators, managers, teachers, and students who contributed to obtain data in
the analyses about the current EJA scenario in the municipality of Tefé, through the application of
questionnaires. For the case study, specifically, we counted on the collaboration of nine women
students from Escola Estadual Corintho Borges Façanha, where we proposed to analyze the life
trajectory and profile of these women students, through semi-structured interviews, based on two
aspects. One aspect is related to the schooling trajectory from the beginning to the moment they
interrupt their studies. The other covers the time from when they return to school, highlighting the
reasons for dropping out, the challenges they faced, the changes they went through, the
contributions of formal education in their lives, and their plans for post-conclusion. For this study,
we guided the theoretical aspects based on the contributions of authors and documents (laws) about
the theme. Among the authors and laws we cite: Arroyo (2006), Cardoso and Hage (2016), Haddad
& Di Pierro (2000), Haddad & Siqueira (2015), Leite (2013), Freire (2006), Freire (2014) Federal
Law No. 13.005/2014, Resolution No. 1/2021 CNE/CEB, Resolution 082/2021 CEE/AM. This
study allowed us to understand the reality of Youth and Adult Education for the implementation of
public policies aimed at this type of education in the context of the implementation of Youth and
Adult Education in the municipality of Tefé. We tried to elucidate the challenges and possibilities
for the construction of an education consistent with the reality of the Amazon region. We traveled
this path looking at the school trajectories of women who faced the challenges of exclusion, lack
of support, and machismo, and faced the challenge of returning to school in order to conquer spaces
that are significant to them, such as financial independence and autonomy. These are trajectories
of hope that make us reflect on the role of EJA within its specificities, based on the experiences
and needs of the students in the Amazonian context.
SILVA, Hilkmar Alves da. A educação de jovens e adultos na rede pública de Ensino no município de Tefé/Am: um estudo de caso sobre a participação das mulheres. 2023. Dissertação. (Mestrado em Ciências Humanas). Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, Tefé, 2023.