As equipes de saúde da família e o processo de trabalho no cuidado aos pacientes com hipertensão arterial sistêmica e Diabetes Mellitus nos distritos de saúde Leste e Sul de Manaus-AM, no período da pandemia de COVID-19 Manaus
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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas
The objective of this study was to describe the work process of the family health teams
(EqSF) in the care of patients with systemic arterial hypertension (HAS) and diabetes mellitus
during the COVID-19 pandemic, from the health districts (DISA) East and South in the
municipality of Manaus-AM. This is a descriptive study, with a quantitative approach, in which
nursing professionals from the EqSF of DISA East and South in Manaus-AM, who work in
caring for patients with HAS and DM, took part. Data were collected in person directly with
nursing professionals, using questions from the National Program for Access and Quality
Improvement in Primary Care (PMAQ-AB) instrument, in the External Assessment component,
of cycle 1, addressing module I referring to the evaluation of the conditions of infrastructure,
materials, inputs, and medicines of the Basic Health Units (UBS) and module II, related to
information on the team's work process and on the organization of care for the user. The results
were tabulated in a Microsoft Excel® database, in which the variables of interest were selected
and descriptive analysis was performed using the SPSS® version 20.0 IBM® program. From a
total of 96 EqSF from East and South DISA, a sample of 77 teams was instituted, according to
the sample calculations. Of this sample, 59.74% (n=46) of the teams were composed of female
nursing professionals, 57.14% (n=44) of these professionals were aged between 40 and 49 years
and 53.25% (n =41) had additional training in areas not related to their work in Primary Health
Care (APS). The layout of the EqSF showed different arrangements, 50.65% (n=39) were teams
linked to other health units and 46.75% (n=36) were inserted in large Basic Health Units (UBS).
There was a lack of a dentist in 9.52% (n=2) of the teams, a physician in 7.79% (n=6), and a
Community Health Agent (ACS) in 1.30% (n= 1) and 11.69% (n=9) of these teams had only
one ACS. Among the essential exams necessary for users with HAS and DM, the examination
of the fundus of the eye was the one with the lowest percentage of performance, 15.58% (n=12).
Welcoming was implemented in 98.70% (n=76) of the UBS surveyed, but 100% (n=77) of them
did not use protocols with therapeutic guidelines for spontaneous demand/urgency and,
regarding home visits, results were verified above 85% for all items inherent to this item. This
study allowed an analysis of aspects that characterize the work process of the EqSF, in the care
of patients with HAS and DM, enabling the identification of critical nodes such as the lack of
adequate infrastructure for the health care of users, including the failure to perform the eye
fundus examination and the lack of some professionals who make up the team, as is the case of
the ACS